Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Causes Spots On A Dogs Nose

My 1st Lesson ...

Ok, so it seems but a few people interested, that is: Are a few years ago I had during my studies to make a teaching internship (the + rated preview condition for hours a master's degree). I've made in Leipzig (yes at the same time still had to work for my rent + studying for my final exam on the 1st minor).
were called for 12 hours with "teaching experiments", about 20 hours observation and a valued lesson, which are considered "pass" must.
I did so with a club for the integration of citizens with an immigrant background (or nice?) Advertised and nothing ever heard of them ... suddenly NEM Friday evening - I am grad on the way home from my second job - my phone rings .. .
the head of the association: "Mrs. S. .. They had yet applied for an internship with us?"
Me: "Yes ...?!"
You: "Ok, so if they still have interest: on Monday we have a group of 12 Romanians, beginners, and 2 from Poland, also beginners, and we need a teacher!"
Me: "Ok ... uh ... wow .... but they know already, that I may not even I have to actually sit in first and then design with a mentor, and under the authority of some units themselves?. .
this: "Well, you want that now do or not?"
Me: "Well ... I can not ... but I would try it ... can you give me but please someone help I've taught it before!"
you: "Yes, of course, you need an interpreter for the Romanians and I get See if someone has time for them. Monday 8:00 "I
:" Ok .....?"
you, "Well done to clarify any other questions, then there. Until Monday "I
:" Er ... yes ... good ... but ... I must ... because ...." tututut had already hung up ... I'm

then first in the library down ... after 8 hours of work .. got me n few tasks for beginners, picked out, "discover" some little act because etc. .. and love me all the WE with the Romanian and Polish language as busy ... which potential errors can make? What is the grammar, and did the case and if so which ones? Have the generations? Can there be anything in interference errors What could be problems with the pronunciation? What languages can I use as an intermediary languages and and and ...

On Monday I was sooo terribly nervous! I'll go there in the yard .. ne is group of people ... and a janitor .. I want to clean (we did not want my questions ... .. ähäm office clarify ".... caretaker barks at me in scenic riverside Saxon "! neee, they Missner erschdma Wardner andn hior The habsch but Schonn zwanzsch maa gesaacht" [No, first they have to wait here below I've already said 20 times.]
Me: "Excuse me ... I am the first grade came, I got an appointment with Mrs. K. ..., I want to go to the Secretariat "He
:" Schieler Wardner to me purely lassn se " [students wait until we let in]
I: "Excuse me .... but you realize this is not I'm not a student, I am the teacher and I want to Buy in now!" (The interpreter in the corner threw himself off before half-laugh)
He: "Well that häddn se Sachn but genn same!" [Na the same but they can say]

I ran so high .... to the office empty office .. .... I was the first time in the damn building! So I searched everywhere for a man ... found ... found only spoke Russian ... continue to search .... fat little woman, aha, I'm right! This was a former teacher, now more for organizational and club activities as was "reactivated" to assist me. You just said "Just wait here, I am looking for a room" ... and kept running ... So I waited ... no trace of Mrs. K. ... then it came again: "Get high time the students , Room xyz, we must start !".... so I back down ... the "Squint" admitted, as soon as I was up, I was alone again as I said so .... Looking for a room ... because sat in it ne class ... back to the office ... there was my "mentor" and said, "Well then we need to go to another house" ... get out, 10 more minutes went into the other house, at last a free room , no chalk, no pens, no books ....

Ok .... since already half the time was over, we made only ne attendance, just checked how the skills of the students were (the best grade could say "Hello, my name is S. ..") and that's it .... The interpreter translated the whole bureaucratic things (cost, end of the course, etc) and then the wars for the first day. Then my mentor came to me and said, "Tomorrow I do not have time because you have to do it alone, the interpreter would need to be there". I could not even ask what I should do at all .. she was already gone .... I settle back into the library and tried (min 4x ... so actually 45.) An hour to prepare.

Next Day I was there on ... no interpreters, students are already sitting in it .... yeah ... I had to start. I was nervous animal and I first look to see whether one understands me ... I ask simple questions (how old are you etc) and get no response .... they all look only at me .... I wonder what's going on is ... they look at me confused ... I wonder if they understand me, they look at me confused .... I wonder if they can in English, they look ....
I write my name on the board, pointed to me and say "I'm Mrs. S, her teacher." Then I look around the room .... the promised books are not there ... I sit on my chair and my "organization Muie". "Muie" is the only word I in Romanian know and that is probably as the Mufu dirty word means ... well, fuck, dick, whore, everything ... so bissl like "kurva", just harder (I was told by a buddy who has worked in Romania). Then all began to laugh ... I asked if you can use "Muie", as "fuck" so I wrote on the blackboard: "Muie" = "fuck"? They nodded, and found good ... .. I went to the poles and said ... "organization kurva!" They laughed and nodded, and suddenly they tried to even respond to me and thawed, introduced themselves and I could do with my getting-learning game! YEAH! I have therefore only the default "my name", "I'm from," "I am ... years old," made things bissl talked about family (because as a mother - daughter team in the class was) always a lot of paint, because no words were indeed there, they have even the difference between single, married, widowed and divorced "explained (using my ring. = single .. I have no ring, married = I have a wedding ring, divorced = I take off the ring and throw it away angry, widowed = I take off my ring and I am sad). Then they have ne little "biography "written, we have a round of" hot "," live "and" be "and already was conjugated
end ... .. That was my first 4 hours without a book, without a plan, but with few worksheets and bissl luck: D

I show the way, the whole vocabulary in addition to paint and also provides intermediary languages ... English has mostly not working, she could not somehow all .. so I'm with the Poles speak Russian and Czech (fortunately handed the few crumbs, I can, for this level of language), with the Romanians Italian, French and Latin ... worked out well: D But I was sooo ready for the 4 hours, omg!

The next day was the way the interpreter back, but I got him sent off after an hour ago ... also my mentor was back then, has always taken 1-2 days (when I had my second job), I also shadowed here and there. Books we will then at some point. All who participated were enthusiastic and totally involved in the matter, have then spoken in the German break with me.

My favorite moments:
Henryka (Polish) is in the pause after my phonetics unit about "ü + ö" outside the break room and make coffee (I've always made coffee for everyone, including me), a Russian one another course comes and asks, "Do you want the coffee?" Henryka looks at me and says proudly, "No, I drink my coffee tüüüüürkisch": D If I had taught her degree before;) Then they came to me with my mug and asks, "Is this right" That was kind of amazing how proud she was the first time in her life in nem interview "üüüü!

The quietest student has never reported ... Simon .... totally beautiful, old and always finish first with the tasks. So I once picked out a really hard task, in which a stumbling block in it, so if ne was thinking along when you had (it was about gender rules). I've drawn on it "Do you get information on the rules, there is a small event in the task of who makes them right, tomorrow from me chocolate." Simon was the only one who knew it ... has not reported .... I saw that they had something else than the other .... I called them on it ... very carefully the correct answer given. I asked, as always, "why?" and she explained very sweet and shy the rule. Everyone applauded, she was very proud. The next day she received the promised chocolate, so she came to me, we asked "Can we eat all the chocolate together in the break?" Sure thing! This was the first time that she talk properly in the break with the other well, even with me, that was from then on always and forever, if anyone had ne question, I'm Simona from "co-teacher" used and they can explain the rules. This motivated them mad, they called me and work removed. Also found the other always cool that one of them is virtually the "Joker" was: D

Best moment:
The course was only a month, I have the time progress from absolute beginners to A 1 - A1 + done, we half of the book have worked, but only because I only half wanted to use them, all had a lot to learn and we were always together in the break down in the smoking area and have talked.
I have 4 weeks each week between 12 and 16 hours teaching, homework given to resolve issues, Entertainment offered. On the last day (my students knew that) I'm coming in and there is a large bag on the table. I ask, P. (who was always my favorite student and next bissl Simona auch der beste), was das ist. Meine Schüler haben in ner Spät- bzw. Nachtschicht in ner Fabrik am Fließband gearbeitet und Sushi für das TK Zeugs gerollt....und alles, was schief und krum ist, durften sie mitnehmen....und sie S. meinte "wir haben gestern ganz schlecht gearbeitet...alles schief und krum für Sie"....sie haben also aus der letzten Schicht frisches Sushi mitgebracht, das extra bissl krum gemacht, damit es genug ist, 5 Pakete, ganz frisch, gekühlt, bevor es überhaupt richtig eingefroren wurde. Dazu gabs ne Tafel Schokolade und ne ganz liebe Karte. Zum Abschied haben mich alle gedrückt, einige hatten sogar Trähnchen in den Augen...ich sowieso. Und sie meinten "Sie waren eine tolle Lehrerin".....hach yes .....

By then I knew that is my dream job! (Have to so I'm moving again face up) cast


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