Sunday, February 27, 2011

Problems With Baxi Boilers

cocktail hour with SHATLER's

A heavy package waiting for me .... of SHATLER's ! The other day I had on some blogs seen that SHATLER's looking for testers finished their cocktails, I've been through the same time, because I actually like to drink cocktails, unfortunately it is usually much too expensive in the clubs and bars. There

SHATLER's cocktails are available in different varieties of popular and classic cocktails in alcohol-free versions. I was allowed to choose two varieties.

Here is an overview, from which I could choose:

With Alcohol:

- Sex on the Beach
- Pina Colada
- Mai Tai
- Caipirinha
- Tequila Sunrise
- Iceland Long Iced Tea
- Swimming Pool
- Havana Special
- Planter's Punch
- Singapore Sling

Without Alcohol:

- Virgin Colada
- Havana
Juicer - San Francisco
- Wake Up

The cocktails are available either via the Online Shop , in bars or in beverage markets. In the online shop costs of alcoholic cocktail € 2.98 and the "virgin" € 2.48 per can.

I decided for Pina Colada and a swimming pool. For this, the team's SHATLER was kind enough to send me also 2 totally great cocktail glasses (or are the Longdrikgläser?), Which I find totally chic!

Sun .... we therefore have a complete Cocktail in a small cardboard box (200ml) for .... not by 3 € per cocktail so you can get started, all you need is ice (preferably crushed ice that I had not) and a sufficiently large glass and you're set .

all the ingredients for the cocktail are included, but it is strongly recommended that you use enough ice and the cocktail not to drink directly from the can. I no longer had sooo many ice cubes and was curious (I had also invited a co-tester, which was also curious, skeptical and thirsty), so I filled each glass with 5-6 ice cubes, the doses as directed vigorously shaken and then poured.

Even when poured, I noticed that especially Pina Colada looks rather watery. I know the cocktail bars and even more as bissl creamy cocktail. The colors I felt was a bit stronger than "normal".

left Pina Colada, right swimming pool. The colors are slightly distorted.

So we have tasted it ....

First impression Pina Colada :

I: - mh .... coco .... fruity ... not so sweet ... but the alcohol comes out quite nice .. so .. it tastes quite "strong" (he has, according to box 12.1%), but I lack a little creamier bissl the typical Pina Colada consistency, to me it seems too thin, though there is absolutely no watery taste. Hm .. I'm far more ridiculous Pina Coladas drunk?

Co-tester: tastes good, but I think something chemically, no idea what's going on. And that is not otherwise somehow creamy? With cream or something?

Conclusion: We both are very good cocktail, a look at the ingredients shows that the pineapple juice is from concentrate and it is coconut syrup and coconut liqueur is also still there. The ingredients are on the way, this can not in German.

The "normal" version of Pina Colada is with "Cream of Coconut "made, or made with coconut syrup and cream. As the creamy part is missing here, can probably be the impression we both had to explain this. .. But not a thing to a shot of cream, then I think he And the perfect cocktail is not bad for not by 3 €

Then the Swimming Pool:!

I: ok ... I would be a bissl Curacao too much and this cocktail I creamier and creamier in memory, but the alcohol taste is not as strong as in out of the Pina Colada

Co-tester: So I bissl to the bitter or angry ... or what is it and somehow tastes even more artificial .... I prefer to take back the Pina Colada!

Conclusion: We had, unfortunately, the same criticism as the Pina Colada. The classic swimming pool that is made with coconut cream and this cream here but it tastes more like a fruit cocktail with coconut.

Sun .. now we'll look at me, what are the advantages (as producers) of SHATLER's Cocktails:

• The first fix-and-ready-for cocktails at home

that may be ... is really all there, except for ice cream and

· Incredibly fruity and authentic cocktail taste like your favorite bar

I think can correct NEM freshly made cocktail not keep them. It is ever the juice guilt, always tastes more like bissl "nectar" than 100% juice. But the cocktails in the bar but cost also doubled, so good compromise!

· stands ready mixed in individual portions

Well, almost done ... but on the website as a "tip" that you can modify and refine the cocktails, but since I think the cream I tested the cocktails to compulsory one, should be noted that vll directly on the can .. almost ... "with ice cream and" serve or what I know;)
But the advantage is definitely that you do not have to buy all the individual ingredients together, because let's face it .... how long do you need to consume a bottle of Curacao? Or a bottle of rum and a bottle of vodka (I hope for you that the answer is "very long" is!)

• Only still crushed ice

.. and add cream ..

· Also uncooled long shelf life without preservatives

That's a good thing! My Cocktails were preserved the way to November. If you could cancel now the swimming pool the E-cloth from the ingredients, then it would be really great!

° on each occasion, with each spontaneous parties, family celebrations, birthdays, gift, or a creative gift for the perfect evening with your best friends, a candlelit dinner or simply as a tasteful transition to a relaxing evening

So for candle-light dinner or evening with friend and so I find it great! So ... if you just have to buck NEN cocktail .... find at this party but soon I "not great .... I would prefer but then for the Basics Cocktails provide and let people try to mix it, because I think that's cheaper in bulk: D

If you have also fixed now to test the open, then quickly looks even more here because you find that is the Test action for bloggers!

All in all .... if I see are the cocktails in the store, I would take determined again, because I find the idea quite nice and the prices are still moderate, so I've now learned more ice cream + And then certainly delicious! However, I will still prefer to stick with beer ... between 37 and 48ct for 0.5 l is just unbeatable.


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