Friday, February 25, 2011

Hotters Dk Milena Velba

qui devient realite! Soprano & Psy4 de la rime

OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm still totally turned on! I have to grin and permanent hach ... ...... WAS THE TOLL!

Yesterday was at last the Soprano concert and what is at least knew that Soprano has brought his entire crew, namely Psy4 de la rime from Marseille! Liiiiieeeebe yes I'm French rap, because a track from Marseille to rap first started it, and even now ... and I was able to make support for Soprano, an MC, I praise the extremely high in the sky. The man has so ne crass voice is totally clear and technically one of the best MCs in France. His flow is the hammer, as he continues his syllables, the speed can go and and and ..... to say: I adore him: D

19:00 I came to sound check, there were Soprano and his people have done with a sound check and had it already made in the backstage room comfortable. I've even checked so fast, it was the tour manager of them offered to me and to me that we are indeed allowed to operate like backstage. He has already started to tell me .. a lot of nice things and those were only the "samples" with me ... well ... after so here I am totally nervous and pressed before have to go to the backstage area, I am then at some point purely fully .... the whole cabin! 5 guys sitting on the couch with Macbook encouraging lap and Blackberry in hand, all of us look at ...." Bonsoir, "I say, quite humbly, I take a water and sit down in ne corner.
Here comes one of the men approached me and asked me in broken English, who I am .... I ask myself, my rental and DJ before his girlfriend and then he begins: "Oh, you've rapped degree?" I answer in French, he is pleased and says "great, more English I can not fact." That was the way "Joker". We then sat around for a while, actually I was supposed to open the concert at 9, but it was far too empty. Backstage was the broadly negative mood, but then there are still some people (do not ask me how many ... vll maximum of 100? Viiiieeel In any case, too few!) Become and we started with half an hour late.
Even if the lending and DJ I was not completely recorded, it worked quite well, did indeed temporarily screwed it some, but not much and that's only because I am the tears in the verse had to fight for the man, full of concentration that my voice did not break away, 2 lines have verpeilt. There were many there who knew me or not, even by those I have caught some, and after 20 minutes I was finished.
I am animal down into the stuff so it really is good ... well .. can do better still mans, but I was quite satisfied. So I am ready, I turn around ... and there is Vincent and I first showered with compliments. I go backstage (yes I drink in front of the site never alcohol) to give me my first to approve beer and all come to me and say "it was great." I of course (yes, typical chain) annoyed that I had the trailer text, but all thought that something like me they had heard rarely. Then
Soprano himself! While some of a bottle of Jack Daniel's pure subject, others playing around on the laptop, sat Soprano quite good cheer sofa, calm, did not say much and came at once to me and said to queen "I do have your lyrics are unfortunately unable to understand, but you realize how much feeling plugged in there and people like that way. That was great. " You can imagine how I was then: D
occurred in the meantime, on another 2 German-language acts, and I remained backstage and babbles quite loose with Soprano. He had somehow got a point that I am a teacher (I should like to teach at the beginning Joker, how to "Leipzig" and I meant to say: if you have questions, come to me, it's my job) and seem really interested in this . So I had to explain the honor Soprano on French (!!!) why I am a foreign language teacher and if this is difficult. He then wanted to know why and when did I make music, whether I have other Frenchmen have seen live and he said he would have puzzled the whole time how old I am. He is 32 and said yes I was a lot younger than him ... well well ..... finally we agreed on it, that "On reste avec jeune Rap" and that "musique est une langue universal".
The man was immediately sympathetic to me!

Then we went go! Only Alonzo - Hammer show, great tracks, great lyrics, nice beats.

Then Soprano! can leave that this "little" quiet type of backstage so I did not think. He stormed the stage and celebrated properly. I was blown away!
What I find so great about him (apart from the things that I've already mentioned) is that he can do ... so .... it is a party track, where you Beat the ears wegballert and he unpacks NEN incredibly funky flow, the people of rest (Also. .. I at least) and then he brings the same After then, very quiet track, which makes up each line into the heart and you inevitably get goose bumps! After he had played with his back about an hour, he brought the rest of the gang with the front (the celebrated anyway permanently on the edge of the stage with) and there they were: Psy4 de la rime, Soprano, Vincenzo and Alonzo ! WOW! I got me some animal tracks from their first album "Block Party" happy, then up and down I've heard some tracks could sing along and felt like I was in heaven!

Then I came backstage (Bring beer) and the boys were ready for grad and neatly turned up (I'll tell you: Who really demolished the hut on the stage as you could tell right that they enjoy it). After I was looking forever for the right words, I thought at some point to Soprano and Alonzo "Vous etes incroyable!" (You are incredible!). Soprano looks at me confused and just asks "Why?" I tell him that I always Mucke've heard love anyway French rap, and that I never thought that I sometimes can appear before them that they really come to Leipzig and especially that I get backstage that chille and now it is true ...." C'est comme un reve qui devient realite "(It's like a dream come true). He laughs and looks shy and modest to the ground. I mean only "Soprano, I would worship you like, but I think that would be uncool now;) He just laughs and says" Call me Said ... We're all just normal people ... and you put your thing really well! Never stop on it! ".
I have most of the evening backstage sitting with Alonzo, Vincenzo Soprano babble, all nice crazy as the rest of the gang:
far left Vincenzo

Soprano + I (ok. .. I totally stupid peep, but I was just so ecstatic .... hach .. in ner other world, and in general: the camera woman's fault)

Soprano seems to me too likable, his lovable man, Alonzo and Vincent are both very funny (and have even asked during their show, the amount still to hear it for me! !)

lr aka My rental DJ Skyline, Soprano, my hairdresser friend of DJ, Alonzo

To 1 were the performances about ready to 3 are cut off, the guys then, from the bus and on Bratislava. Connections course were exchanged (especially with Alonzo + Vincenzo Soprano was in the nest: D) and I showered again with praise and the desire to to see them again someday. They lavished praise on me and wished me luck and that I will never stop .... and then I was asked if I want it not to Bratislava!! WHAT? That would have been the next tour stop ..... I did not know what to say ... unfortunately we went just do not ... 1 for Argentina, 2 Return for 3rd does not just come and 4th A bus full of French male? : D I have several times but thanks and meant "If you drive by encouraging way back, but you may like to take with me to Marseilles ".... What they said" Or you come to Marseille, and just like that time we do something together " .....

Ok ... and then had to I drink very much still a beer (for how can you sleep after something?) and then got to about 4 in the bed and slept located. 7:30 am I woke up ... an hour before alarm bells, since I am still jittery and totally turned on, I could squeal and jump and jump and sing!

Andresen great for this opportunity! I was allowed to meet so many great artists in person, but this was far the highlight!

Merci bien Said!! Alonzo Merci, merci Vincent, merci et le Joker rest!

Now I am clearly still a major Fan .. and I'm always still sooo much! I would have somehow can cuddle all the time and finally has even made first: D


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