Monday, February 28, 2011

Change Russian Language To English In Mw2

Google Analytics: And February is even worse!

Heyho love, wonderful readers: D

First SORRY it lately so little of me is ... the stupid move and the whole planning, including finding accommodation robs a lot of time really ....

time again I would let you participate in my monthly Google Analytics searches. This month, there is absolutely reaches the top! I'm disgusted, I've thrown away with laughter .... What are you looking only? And why do you think that to find me?

These are my results:

German theme:

"I hate präpositonen"
Na and what do you say? I go home? "I am writing pen"? "I'm lying bed"? Prepositions are important, dammit!

there as a regular and prepositions to give to local conditions , example: in, before, on, behind, beside, between, etc

"past tense (1) and past participle (2) word was"
was = past tense, as shown = Part II, all right?

"pink pink pink adjectival"
my opinion, pink declined only as "pink"!

"grammar lesson plan"
be found in any textbook ... otherwise go to make themselves beautiful!

"as it declined beige"
Even if it may do differently now .. I am for the variation as in "pink" ... so beige ....

topic Rap
"clean rhyme" and "rape Leave "
her found here

" I would like to write a rap, but like "

First, it says" the rap "in the accusative words" I want to write a rap, "clearly as far as the question?! here

"let me dive deeper"
I see my goal in mind

"teacher rhyming"

hm ..'m harder, stronger, trouble-making .. everything reminds me of a grade not

"raps with the red pencil to write the"
has probably rumgesprochen: D

"as learn to double rhyme? "

First use simple rhymes to write an awful lot and if possible, otherwise much freestyle ... .. just write a lot! It all comes with time!

" about what you can write a rap "
on just about everything a so busy ... whether positive or negative ... I will always only important to be there "real" is, therefore, does not tell shit and really is! Otherwise, there are no limits ..

"What rhymes with German rapper talk about gangsta"
Is that so hard I would recommend ? mind even after

! Theme Beauty:

. Good nail polish free of Schädl substances "
So there are some types of paint, the" free big 3 "(ie free of formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate), overall I can but as to help no further ... it is and will not drink containing paint ... mans. But yes vll the here helps more ..

"hauschka quince or alverde alpenrose"

I am is cheaper for Alverde Alpine Rose .. and I better contract ...

"you can use styling products Got2be guardian angel with others?"
Sure why not? Is not a styling product, but a heat protection!

"mac foundation smells funny"

old or fake?

"mac studio Apply fix powder foundation"
I do with my Zoeva Stinktierpinsel ausm Very Croc Set

"advantages of Alterra hair products"
silicone-free, relatively good INCISER, no animal testing, NK, sometimes really top efficiency (especially to get Shine Conditioner !!!), easy (Ross) for NK really cheap!


"Grandma sucks since ss"
hm .... like now?

"belly cut open"
that you really seem to care, or?

"Why is unclear, and at the beach?"
-> a mumble!

"10 things you like about me,"
who wants to know?

"3 things you like about me,"
na 3 things I find determined ....

is evil!

lean men blogspot "
Gibts not work for me .... at least not encouraging blog ... sorry, I'm a woman! THE with a red pen, u know?

Yes ... that can already exist! But as you me, I you!

"foreign beer specialty store leipzig"
At Karstadt Kaufhof +, otherwise, the home of the 1000 beers in Leipzig also ... at least if the beer market is .. eh is my tip: Leipzig Beer Exchange!

"banksy ipod madonna"

ok ...?

"blog head cut off"

"things that you like"
- if you (as it should be) a comma before a relative pronoun is
- Rap
good books - good films
- Shopping
- fix spelling error
- - Beer
cuddling and by the afternoon with the man in the nest are
- Barbecue at the chess center
- IAM, Oxmo, Psy4traaa, FF, Big L, RAG, Creutzfeldt Jakob, Guru, Jeru the Damaja, Looptroop, Mobb Deep ...
and and and

"colored hotel slippers"
were our red I think, right?

"gucci bag stinks
Hmm .. sure there are no" Cucci "or" Guccy "bag is?

"buy h & m with dm"
Ne .... should be here already €! Man, are you old school!

"I can tell you on my blog what I cook "
Occasionally, yes .. but also because I put a comma before a relative pronoun!

" there is something you can win or how does that "
naja ... sometimes? What's it all about?
"cook with dioxin"
is quite unhealthy .. but certainly cheaper

is delicious and tastes best on fresh onion bread horseradish on it! "bloggers minor"

there are a lot ... sometimes it's shocking how they to present 14 year old ... only in underwear, lascivious wallowing in front of the camera ... or get drunk at parties with Hartalk ... something I find absolutely no good, otherwise I have nothing against underage bloggers ... but you should always consider what you share with the world ... you should blog about nothing, what one might be embarrassed if anyone will notice

"sneeze after airwave"

"tights tipsy"
What is that search, please find it?

"tights vodka"
it was determined the same viewfinder!

"stern castle export storage" He

"why has not bremen zara"
I've asked myself ... even victories got one!

"winter jackets for people with disabilities" So I do not know myself unfortunately .... should

"poem for Accountants"
What you need something? But ok ..

I'm drowning in sea of paper NEM
This bureaucracy is easy to understand difficult
so please, dear advisor, to do so with the tax, and not
swindle, because that will certainly expensive ..


"goose fat dm"
no idea obs gives there?

has JustinBieber glazr a yes or no " Um ... so I'll just go assuming that you mean" bald head "mean .. but how the hell should I know? Is still almost n child, so I'd Tap once to "no" ...

about non-family safe!

"hairy triangle"
uh .. ok? Does this mean what I think?

"I'm a bad girl"
yes ... sometimes ...

"young women in tights."

not available here, you pig!

"Lick my asshole clean the gays"

available here not ... ugh!

"girl licking girl"

coming ever before ... but neither here nor generally with me!

"the breasts with a red pen"
ok ... that makes me scared now!

"with the red pencil möpse"
now none of that! Your horny little Googlers her!

still represent all categories, as you see: D

To all bloggers out there: what are your least funny or strangest search words?

Will Teeth Pockets Heal

La cucina verde ♥

I'm an avowed meat eater little, even a nearly vegetation ..... I like the word V not!
Because with the only V Vegetable patties, bean sprouts, tofu and other! I'm not.
But the industrial meat eaters scene, said o) well, that the "non-meat eaters" absolutely need a meat substitute ..... why? So I do not! I like meat, but not so much. I think it should read: "We eat vegetarian today times" (now isses but come on my keyboard, oh no, o)) "we eat meat today, even" hot! Then something else in this world would ... well, that's another, long theme ....
I wanted to something completely different out .....

For all who love and vegetables as much as I and the consumption is not the same feel as a hare, I have a wonderful cookbook from Carlo Bernasconi discovered with great vegetable recipes: o) I am absolutely thrilled with the beautiful pictures of Larissa Bertonasco in the book. The finished dishes, although not shown, but one can even think about it and it is then also not be disappointed if the court is different than on the non-existing image, o)

I images even find so beautiful that after much consideration (if I "hurt" the beautiful book) can be framed two motifs and hang up.

The book also gives great here and the beautiful illustrations can be purchased in larger sizes here.

Best wishes and if you have the book already knows, or want to buy you ... enjoy your new cook

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Problems With Baxi Boilers

cocktail hour with SHATLER's

A heavy package waiting for me .... of SHATLER's ! The other day I had on some blogs seen that SHATLER's looking for testers finished their cocktails, I've been through the same time, because I actually like to drink cocktails, unfortunately it is usually much too expensive in the clubs and bars. There

SHATLER's cocktails are available in different varieties of popular and classic cocktails in alcohol-free versions. I was allowed to choose two varieties.

Here is an overview, from which I could choose:

With Alcohol:

- Sex on the Beach
- Pina Colada
- Mai Tai
- Caipirinha
- Tequila Sunrise
- Iceland Long Iced Tea
- Swimming Pool
- Havana Special
- Planter's Punch
- Singapore Sling

Without Alcohol:

- Virgin Colada
- Havana
Juicer - San Francisco
- Wake Up

The cocktails are available either via the Online Shop , in bars or in beverage markets. In the online shop costs of alcoholic cocktail € 2.98 and the "virgin" € 2.48 per can.

I decided for Pina Colada and a swimming pool. For this, the team's SHATLER was kind enough to send me also 2 totally great cocktail glasses (or are the Longdrikgläser?), Which I find totally chic!

Sun .... we therefore have a complete Cocktail in a small cardboard box (200ml) for .... not by 3 € per cocktail so you can get started, all you need is ice (preferably crushed ice that I had not) and a sufficiently large glass and you're set .

all the ingredients for the cocktail are included, but it is strongly recommended that you use enough ice and the cocktail not to drink directly from the can. I no longer had sooo many ice cubes and was curious (I had also invited a co-tester, which was also curious, skeptical and thirsty), so I filled each glass with 5-6 ice cubes, the doses as directed vigorously shaken and then poured.

Even when poured, I noticed that especially Pina Colada looks rather watery. I know the cocktail bars and even more as bissl creamy cocktail. The colors I felt was a bit stronger than "normal".

left Pina Colada, right swimming pool. The colors are slightly distorted.

So we have tasted it ....

First impression Pina Colada :

I: - mh .... coco .... fruity ... not so sweet ... but the alcohol comes out quite nice .. so .. it tastes quite "strong" (he has, according to box 12.1%), but I lack a little creamier bissl the typical Pina Colada consistency, to me it seems too thin, though there is absolutely no watery taste. Hm .. I'm far more ridiculous Pina Coladas drunk?

Co-tester: tastes good, but I think something chemically, no idea what's going on. And that is not otherwise somehow creamy? With cream or something?

Conclusion: We both are very good cocktail, a look at the ingredients shows that the pineapple juice is from concentrate and it is coconut syrup and coconut liqueur is also still there. The ingredients are on the way, this can not in German.

The "normal" version of Pina Colada is with "Cream of Coconut "made, or made with coconut syrup and cream. As the creamy part is missing here, can probably be the impression we both had to explain this. .. But not a thing to a shot of cream, then I think he And the perfect cocktail is not bad for not by 3 €

Then the Swimming Pool:!

I: ok ... I would be a bissl Curacao too much and this cocktail I creamier and creamier in memory, but the alcohol taste is not as strong as in out of the Pina Colada

Co-tester: So I bissl to the bitter or angry ... or what is it and somehow tastes even more artificial .... I prefer to take back the Pina Colada!

Conclusion: We had, unfortunately, the same criticism as the Pina Colada. The classic swimming pool that is made with coconut cream and this cream here but it tastes more like a fruit cocktail with coconut.

Sun .. now we'll look at me, what are the advantages (as producers) of SHATLER's Cocktails:

• The first fix-and-ready-for cocktails at home

that may be ... is really all there, except for ice cream and

· Incredibly fruity and authentic cocktail taste like your favorite bar

I think can correct NEM freshly made cocktail not keep them. It is ever the juice guilt, always tastes more like bissl "nectar" than 100% juice. But the cocktails in the bar but cost also doubled, so good compromise!

· stands ready mixed in individual portions

Well, almost done ... but on the website as a "tip" that you can modify and refine the cocktails, but since I think the cream I tested the cocktails to compulsory one, should be noted that vll directly on the can .. almost ... "with ice cream and" serve or what I know;)
But the advantage is definitely that you do not have to buy all the individual ingredients together, because let's face it .... how long do you need to consume a bottle of Curacao? Or a bottle of rum and a bottle of vodka (I hope for you that the answer is "very long" is!)

• Only still crushed ice

.. and add cream ..

· Also uncooled long shelf life without preservatives

That's a good thing! My Cocktails were preserved the way to November. If you could cancel now the swimming pool the E-cloth from the ingredients, then it would be really great!

° on each occasion, with each spontaneous parties, family celebrations, birthdays, gift, or a creative gift for the perfect evening with your best friends, a candlelit dinner or simply as a tasteful transition to a relaxing evening

So for candle-light dinner or evening with friend and so I find it great! So ... if you just have to buck NEN cocktail .... find at this party but soon I "not great .... I would prefer but then for the Basics Cocktails provide and let people try to mix it, because I think that's cheaper in bulk: D

If you have also fixed now to test the open, then quickly looks even more here because you find that is the Test action for bloggers!

All in all .... if I see are the cocktails in the store, I would take determined again, because I find the idea quite nice and the prices are still moderate, so I've now learned more ice cream + And then certainly delicious! However, I will still prefer to stick with beer ... between 37 and 48ct for 0.5 l is just unbeatable.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Koleston Wella Colour Chart

What's that? C'est comme un reve

Sun after I've calmed down slowly Here again a "normal" post!

before yesterday, I go to the mailbox and find a thick envelope from Max Factor ...? What is that?

quick ego got torn up and behold, I have to NEM Facebook Contest which won! And although a mascara and 2 lip products

In detail, the False Lash Effect mascara (I like the brush very, unfortunately, this mascara in brown .... but it will probably get mom)

Then a Lippie in "Dusky Rose": A very nice rose that shimmers quite strong, but I find that very pretty for spring:

And finally, the Max Factor Lipfinity (Essential catwalk colors) in the color "essential burgundy", a very beautiful rose - rose wood tone that really timeless and always watch out!

Lipfinity is indeed from the paint and a nursing home, the latter is also important because the color makes an extremely drying impression . Durability must be tested yet ...

today I find the lip stuff really great and I've worn in the Lippie sunshine cheer flea market. Have not bought anything by the way ... my last money was applied degree in music: D
Last night, I've also done nothing great ... drink beer (my last payment for the BA correction was, incidentally, a whole box .... yes. ... that I truly deserved !!!), made something to eat and then I fell asleep pretty fast .. by the way even before that ... I think I'm really getting too old for only 3.5 hours Sleep ....

What was or is with you during the weekend so?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hotters Dk Milena Velba

qui devient realite! Soprano & Psy4 de la rime

OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm still totally turned on! I have to grin and permanent hach ... ...... WAS THE TOLL!

Yesterday was at last the Soprano concert and what is at least knew that Soprano has brought his entire crew, namely Psy4 de la rime from Marseille! Liiiiieeeebe yes I'm French rap, because a track from Marseille to rap first started it, and even now ... and I was able to make support for Soprano, an MC, I praise the extremely high in the sky. The man has so ne crass voice is totally clear and technically one of the best MCs in France. His flow is the hammer, as he continues his syllables, the speed can go and and and ..... to say: I adore him: D

19:00 I came to sound check, there were Soprano and his people have done with a sound check and had it already made in the backstage room comfortable. I've even checked so fast, it was the tour manager of them offered to me and to me that we are indeed allowed to operate like backstage. He has already started to tell me .. a lot of nice things and those were only the "samples" with me ... well ... after so here I am totally nervous and pressed before have to go to the backstage area, I am then at some point purely fully .... the whole cabin! 5 guys sitting on the couch with Macbook encouraging lap and Blackberry in hand, all of us look at ...." Bonsoir, "I say, quite humbly, I take a water and sit down in ne corner.
Here comes one of the men approached me and asked me in broken English, who I am .... I ask myself, my rental and DJ before his girlfriend and then he begins: "Oh, you've rapped degree?" I answer in French, he is pleased and says "great, more English I can not fact." That was the way "Joker". We then sat around for a while, actually I was supposed to open the concert at 9, but it was far too empty. Backstage was the broadly negative mood, but then there are still some people (do not ask me how many ... vll maximum of 100? Viiiieeel In any case, too few!) Become and we started with half an hour late.
Even if the lending and DJ I was not completely recorded, it worked quite well, did indeed temporarily screwed it some, but not much and that's only because I am the tears in the verse had to fight for the man, full of concentration that my voice did not break away, 2 lines have verpeilt. There were many there who knew me or not, even by those I have caught some, and after 20 minutes I was finished.
I am animal down into the stuff so it really is good ... well .. can do better still mans, but I was quite satisfied. So I am ready, I turn around ... and there is Vincent and I first showered with compliments. I go backstage (yes I drink in front of the site never alcohol) to give me my first to approve beer and all come to me and say "it was great." I of course (yes, typical chain) annoyed that I had the trailer text, but all thought that something like me they had heard rarely. Then
Soprano himself! While some of a bottle of Jack Daniel's pure subject, others playing around on the laptop, sat Soprano quite good cheer sofa, calm, did not say much and came at once to me and said to queen "I do have your lyrics are unfortunately unable to understand, but you realize how much feeling plugged in there and people like that way. That was great. " You can imagine how I was then: D
occurred in the meantime, on another 2 German-language acts, and I remained backstage and babbles quite loose with Soprano. He had somehow got a point that I am a teacher (I should like to teach at the beginning Joker, how to "Leipzig" and I meant to say: if you have questions, come to me, it's my job) and seem really interested in this . So I had to explain the honor Soprano on French (!!!) why I am a foreign language teacher and if this is difficult. He then wanted to know why and when did I make music, whether I have other Frenchmen have seen live and he said he would have puzzled the whole time how old I am. He is 32 and said yes I was a lot younger than him ... well well ..... finally we agreed on it, that "On reste avec jeune Rap" and that "musique est une langue universal".
The man was immediately sympathetic to me!

Then we went go! Only Alonzo - Hammer show, great tracks, great lyrics, nice beats.

Then Soprano! can leave that this "little" quiet type of backstage so I did not think. He stormed the stage and celebrated properly. I was blown away!
What I find so great about him (apart from the things that I've already mentioned) is that he can do ... so .... it is a party track, where you Beat the ears wegballert and he unpacks NEN incredibly funky flow, the people of rest (Also. .. I at least) and then he brings the same After then, very quiet track, which makes up each line into the heart and you inevitably get goose bumps! After he had played with his back about an hour, he brought the rest of the gang with the front (the celebrated anyway permanently on the edge of the stage with) and there they were: Psy4 de la rime, Soprano, Vincenzo and Alonzo ! WOW! I got me some animal tracks from their first album "Block Party" happy, then up and down I've heard some tracks could sing along and felt like I was in heaven!

Then I came backstage (Bring beer) and the boys were ready for grad and neatly turned up (I'll tell you: Who really demolished the hut on the stage as you could tell right that they enjoy it). After I was looking forever for the right words, I thought at some point to Soprano and Alonzo "Vous etes incroyable!" (You are incredible!). Soprano looks at me confused and just asks "Why?" I tell him that I always Mucke've heard love anyway French rap, and that I never thought that I sometimes can appear before them that they really come to Leipzig and especially that I get backstage that chille and now it is true ...." C'est comme un reve qui devient realite "(It's like a dream come true). He laughs and looks shy and modest to the ground. I mean only "Soprano, I would worship you like, but I think that would be uncool now;) He just laughs and says" Call me Said ... We're all just normal people ... and you put your thing really well! Never stop on it! ".
I have most of the evening backstage sitting with Alonzo, Vincenzo Soprano babble, all nice crazy as the rest of the gang:
far left Vincenzo

Soprano + I (ok. .. I totally stupid peep, but I was just so ecstatic .... hach .. in ner other world, and in general: the camera woman's fault)

Soprano seems to me too likable, his lovable man, Alonzo and Vincent are both very funny (and have even asked during their show, the amount still to hear it for me! !)

lr aka My rental DJ Skyline, Soprano, my hairdresser friend of DJ, Alonzo

To 1 were the performances about ready to 3 are cut off, the guys then, from the bus and on Bratislava. Connections course were exchanged (especially with Alonzo + Vincenzo Soprano was in the nest: D) and I showered again with praise and the desire to to see them again someday. They lavished praise on me and wished me luck and that I will never stop .... and then I was asked if I want it not to Bratislava!! WHAT? That would have been the next tour stop ..... I did not know what to say ... unfortunately we went just do not ... 1 for Argentina, 2 Return for 3rd does not just come and 4th A bus full of French male? : D I have several times but thanks and meant "If you drive by encouraging way back, but you may like to take with me to Marseilles ".... What they said" Or you come to Marseille, and just like that time we do something together " .....

Ok ... and then had to I drink very much still a beer (for how can you sleep after something?) and then got to about 4 in the bed and slept located. 7:30 am I woke up ... an hour before alarm bells, since I am still jittery and totally turned on, I could squeal and jump and jump and sing!

Andresen great for this opportunity! I was allowed to meet so many great artists in person, but this was far the highlight!

Merci bien Said!! Alonzo Merci, merci Vincent, merci et le Joker rest!

Now I am clearly still a major Fan .. and I'm always still sooo much! I would have somehow can cuddle all the time and finally has even made first: D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cheating Gpsphone With Ifunbox

Busy as hell

It remains a mystery ... I always call people and ask whether the concert will take place Soprano. Yesterday I learned: Definitely YES! I know what is sound check, when did Soprano Sound Check (and of course I'll be there watching a short visit: D), I know what to wear (photo anyone?), I know my set list and I myself have ne series of not quite Sun fan-admiration-praise-hymns to moderate queen considered, that I will overwhelm Soprano.
texts sit Voice is made warm ...
19:00 Soundcheck 21:30

I'm sooo excited!

bring to operating temperature .... hats here, too, folded: D

morning 10:00 Argentina, that is to get up 8:00, destroy that little backstage beer and do not stay long zuuuu.

I've also finally all my documents for employment in wins and who goes tomorrow to the postal journey ... then it's hope for further rumtelefonieren live, and the Arge. Do you want to guess how much a move from Leipzig to winning? : D

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

T45581 Betriebsanleitung

Shopping: Essence, Catrice, Douglas

Tach too!
Thank you first for the many nice comments under the last post.
to your question:
Luckily I had never really ool students (also. .. never in the foreign language classroom, but more extreme cases in my workshops are), but also quite lazy and unmotivated students, where you already has noticed that it did not really had sooo much interest. Surprisingly, the fellows were not clear .. but .. the need to pay for the course that you could see some. But I've never had authority problems .. but teaching at the "listless" students was difficult and exhausting ... but until now have always managed ego, all to get them to do what I wants: D

Here now my promised Procurement Report:

First, my new Essence nail polish from the comical Whoom badaboom, rumsdibums eye cancer-LE
is the color "you've got the art", a really nice bright yellow.
I've painted for 2 layers, and we went surprisingly well. The coating can be applied quite easily, dries fairly quickly and does good too!

So that you can better assess the color, I did it once with my 2 other yellow paint compared:
lr: OPI - The It Color OPI - Banana Bandana. Essence - You've got the art
your very words: Essence of the paint has more green areas and is generally neoniger: D I find it good!

Then I still new flavors in Catrice captured Sale, everything goes out, was reduced. With the Lippies I've already flirted for a while, then was allowed (for now) with a, vll I get still more if I find something else ..

The paint is Wine Tastic, the Lip Smacker is Douglas
Purchased I have the Absolute Moisture in Spicy coral, a really nice spring color for every day, I think:
de lips off with it:
him find out! The Absolute Moisture Lippies also are on the consistency and great!

the paint I've tried to capture photo cheer, but it was almost impossible. It is almost black, but in direct sunlight a beautiful reddish glow. He also covers great.

The Lip Smacker as has been said of Douglas. Cost € 1.95 and incredibly delicious smell of pineapple:
My nail polish on the photos is the way OPI - Miami Beet, a degree of my favorites! Makes you somehow in spring, so long, covers and dries super fast!

And Douglas gabs but also free mini mascara from Chanel. Bock on NEN report?

So! I've bought. Do you have what kicked out ausm Catrice-sale purchase or what you want it? The Essence was selling out as I said not much for me too ... for that I am looking forward to the new stuff! Still have my voucher from the DM Birthday!

What Causes Spots On A Dogs Nose

My 1st Lesson ...

Ok, so it seems but a few people interested, that is: Are a few years ago I had during my studies to make a teaching internship (the + rated preview condition for hours a master's degree). I've made in Leipzig (yes at the same time still had to work for my rent + studying for my final exam on the 1st minor).
were called for 12 hours with "teaching experiments", about 20 hours observation and a valued lesson, which are considered "pass" must.
I did so with a club for the integration of citizens with an immigrant background (or nice?) Advertised and nothing ever heard of them ... suddenly NEM Friday evening - I am grad on the way home from my second job - my phone rings .. .
the head of the association: "Mrs. S. .. They had yet applied for an internship with us?"
Me: "Yes ...?!"
You: "Ok, so if they still have interest: on Monday we have a group of 12 Romanians, beginners, and 2 from Poland, also beginners, and we need a teacher!"
Me: "Ok ... uh ... wow .... but they know already, that I may not even I have to actually sit in first and then design with a mentor, and under the authority of some units themselves?. .
this: "Well, you want that now do or not?"
Me: "Well ... I can not ... but I would try it ... can you give me but please someone help I've taught it before!"
you: "Yes, of course, you need an interpreter for the Romanians and I get See if someone has time for them. Monday 8:00 "I
:" Ok .....?"
you, "Well done to clarify any other questions, then there. Until Monday "I
:" Er ... yes ... good ... but ... I must ... because ...." tututut had already hung up ... I'm

then first in the library down ... after 8 hours of work .. got me n few tasks for beginners, picked out, "discover" some little act because etc. .. and love me all the WE with the Romanian and Polish language as busy ... which potential errors can make? What is the grammar, and did the case and if so which ones? Have the generations? Can there be anything in interference errors What could be problems with the pronunciation? What languages can I use as an intermediary languages and and and ...

On Monday I was sooo terribly nervous! I'll go there in the yard .. ne is group of people ... and a janitor .. I want to clean (we did not want my questions ... .. ähäm office clarify ".... caretaker barks at me in scenic riverside Saxon "! neee, they Missner erschdma Wardner andn hior The habsch but Schonn zwanzsch maa gesaacht" [No, first they have to wait here below I've already said 20 times.]
Me: "Excuse me ... I am the first grade came, I got an appointment with Mrs. K. ..., I want to go to the Secretariat "He
:" Schieler Wardner to me purely lassn se " [students wait until we let in]
I: "Excuse me .... but you realize this is not I'm not a student, I am the teacher and I want to Buy in now!" (The interpreter in the corner threw himself off before half-laugh)
He: "Well that häddn se Sachn but genn same!" [Na the same but they can say]

I ran so high .... to the office empty office .. .... I was the first time in the damn building! So I searched everywhere for a man ... found ... found only spoke Russian ... continue to search .... fat little woman, aha, I'm right! This was a former teacher, now more for organizational and club activities as was "reactivated" to assist me. You just said "Just wait here, I am looking for a room" ... and kept running ... So I waited ... no trace of Mrs. K. ... then it came again: "Get high time the students , Room xyz, we must start !".... so I back down ... the "Squint" admitted, as soon as I was up, I was alone again as I said so .... Looking for a room ... because sat in it ne class ... back to the office ... there was my "mentor" and said, "Well then we need to go to another house" ... get out, 10 more minutes went into the other house, at last a free room , no chalk, no pens, no books ....

Ok .... since already half the time was over, we made only ne attendance, just checked how the skills of the students were (the best grade could say "Hello, my name is S. ..") and that's it .... The interpreter translated the whole bureaucratic things (cost, end of the course, etc) and then the wars for the first day. Then my mentor came to me and said, "Tomorrow I do not have time because you have to do it alone, the interpreter would need to be there". I could not even ask what I should do at all .. she was already gone .... I settle back into the library and tried (min 4x ... so actually 45.) An hour to prepare.

Next Day I was there on ... no interpreters, students are already sitting in it .... yeah ... I had to start. I was nervous animal and I first look to see whether one understands me ... I ask simple questions (how old are you etc) and get no response .... they all look only at me .... I wonder what's going on is ... they look at me confused ... I wonder if they understand me, they look at me confused .... I wonder if they can in English, they look ....
I write my name on the board, pointed to me and say "I'm Mrs. S, her teacher." Then I look around the room .... the promised books are not there ... I sit on my chair and my "organization Muie". "Muie" is the only word I in Romanian know and that is probably as the Mufu dirty word means ... well, fuck, dick, whore, everything ... so bissl like "kurva", just harder (I was told by a buddy who has worked in Romania). Then all began to laugh ... I asked if you can use "Muie", as "fuck" so I wrote on the blackboard: "Muie" = "fuck"? They nodded, and found good ... .. I went to the poles and said ... "organization kurva!" They laughed and nodded, and suddenly they tried to even respond to me and thawed, introduced themselves and I could do with my getting-learning game! YEAH! I have therefore only the default "my name", "I'm from," "I am ... years old," made things bissl talked about family (because as a mother - daughter team in the class was) always a lot of paint, because no words were indeed there, they have even the difference between single, married, widowed and divorced "explained (using my ring. = single .. I have no ring, married = I have a wedding ring, divorced = I take off the ring and throw it away angry, widowed = I take off my ring and I am sad). Then they have ne little "biography "written, we have a round of" hot "," live "and" be "and already was conjugated
end ... .. That was my first 4 hours without a book, without a plan, but with few worksheets and bissl luck: D

I show the way, the whole vocabulary in addition to paint and also provides intermediary languages ... English has mostly not working, she could not somehow all .. so I'm with the Poles speak Russian and Czech (fortunately handed the few crumbs, I can, for this level of language), with the Romanians Italian, French and Latin ... worked out well: D But I was sooo ready for the 4 hours, omg!

The next day was the way the interpreter back, but I got him sent off after an hour ago ... also my mentor was back then, has always taken 1-2 days (when I had my second job), I also shadowed here and there. Books we will then at some point. All who participated were enthusiastic and totally involved in the matter, have then spoken in the German break with me.

My favorite moments:
Henryka (Polish) is in the pause after my phonetics unit about "ü + ö" outside the break room and make coffee (I've always made coffee for everyone, including me), a Russian one another course comes and asks, "Do you want the coffee?" Henryka looks at me and says proudly, "No, I drink my coffee tüüüüürkisch": D If I had taught her degree before;) Then they came to me with my mug and asks, "Is this right" That was kind of amazing how proud she was the first time in her life in nem interview "üüüü!

The quietest student has never reported ... Simon .... totally beautiful, old and always finish first with the tasks. So I once picked out a really hard task, in which a stumbling block in it, so if ne was thinking along when you had (it was about gender rules). I've drawn on it "Do you get information on the rules, there is a small event in the task of who makes them right, tomorrow from me chocolate." Simon was the only one who knew it ... has not reported .... I saw that they had something else than the other .... I called them on it ... very carefully the correct answer given. I asked, as always, "why?" and she explained very sweet and shy the rule. Everyone applauded, she was very proud. The next day she received the promised chocolate, so she came to me, we asked "Can we eat all the chocolate together in the break?" Sure thing! This was the first time that she talk properly in the break with the other well, even with me, that was from then on always and forever, if anyone had ne question, I'm Simona from "co-teacher" used and they can explain the rules. This motivated them mad, they called me and work removed. Also found the other always cool that one of them is virtually the "Joker" was: D

Best moment:
The course was only a month, I have the time progress from absolute beginners to A 1 - A1 + done, we half of the book have worked, but only because I only half wanted to use them, all had a lot to learn and we were always together in the break down in the smoking area and have talked.
I have 4 weeks each week between 12 and 16 hours teaching, homework given to resolve issues, Entertainment offered. On the last day (my students knew that) I'm coming in and there is a large bag on the table. I ask, P. (who was always my favorite student and next bissl Simona auch der beste), was das ist. Meine Schüler haben in ner Spät- bzw. Nachtschicht in ner Fabrik am Fließband gearbeitet und Sushi für das TK Zeugs gerollt....und alles, was schief und krum ist, durften sie mitnehmen....und sie S. meinte "wir haben gestern ganz schlecht gearbeitet...alles schief und krum für Sie"....sie haben also aus der letzten Schicht frisches Sushi mitgebracht, das extra bissl krum gemacht, damit es genug ist, 5 Pakete, ganz frisch, gekühlt, bevor es überhaupt richtig eingefroren wurde. Dazu gabs ne Tafel Schokolade und ne ganz liebe Karte. Zum Abschied haben mich alle gedrückt, einige hatten sogar Trähnchen in den Augen...ich sowieso. Und sie meinten "Sie waren eine tolle Lehrerin".....hach yes .....

By then I knew that is my dream job! (Have to so I'm moving again face up) cast

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Board Exam Quotations

whining spoiled to feed!

How to easily notice on my last blog post was, I am depressed today bissl .... until I had after you, then I came to ponder and I rumgejammert because I'm going away soon ... I have my album "19" risen from Adele and up and down too.

I give really not a lot of money for music, but what if I like really good, I support you.

Anyway .... after calming too long period of self-pity I thought to myself: treat yourself what good! Zack, face mask!

I do that too often, I have the Dead Sea Schaebens mask made because my skin is really awful bitchy grad.

She looked pretty muddy out, also had little pieces of it Krissel (ie remove the hats neatly peeled) and it has become damn fast set. I find the way, always so funny when the face will be so dry up and we do not really yawning, etc. can.
Sexy, right? ;)

My skin was really nice and soft and then stretched and do not let 's see what the mask so ...

And after I've spoiled my skin and my hair ever ne pre-wash treatment with ner good portion Alverde Macadamia Body Butter've indulged in over night, i had to cook something. I'm not in the last days come to shop, lunch today for gabs WG visits only few slices of crispbread fix, so refrigerator and kitchen were scanned for residues.
potatoes, very good! Incidentally, this is my staple during my Hartz IV was time .. or is it still ... I've found him yet refrigerator cucumber and bits n: lo: Quark! YES! Potatoes and cheese!

did I never used to! But my parents have also different made ... normal potatoes cooked (ie, as potatoes) and gabs to this disgusting pre-herb cheese. Yuck!

Here is my version, which is absolutely awesome! (. Also. I find the man and all others who have tasted it: D)

first Cook the potatoes, but when baked potatoes, with skin that is!

second + Garlic half an onion, peel and chop, cut cucumber into small, thin strips

third Quark place in a bowl, Add the garlic, onion + cucumber to dilute with milk bissl, NEN season with pepper, salt, cumin and paprika and bissl very small dab of honey to! Mjamm!

4th Drain the potatoes, cut in half and spice (pepper, salt, pepper + rosemary) and fry in oil on the cut side until golden brown below!

5th Done!

Sunday and now I watch Simpsons, Love to See the man who comes right over and let me spoil even bissl.

Saree Blouse Tailor Squeezed


degree I have my set .... practiced several times intense and it actually sits. . .. only in some places I have to fight more than usual as

"No plan, where's my driving, but one thing is clear: nothing takes me back, not a piece as long as the Legs carry me "


" ... and if we are not even separated by the equator, see, the time passed very fast, so I could wait, because what can you have better? I never forget you, rather I forget to breathe "


" I know that if today is hard, then I fall softly, because you are all there, which I only gradually begin to understand. I'm germinating optimist, but you help me, that I forget the black. It shows me the incredible diversity of my color palette

Somehow I only just beginning, where the bulk of the work is done to realize that I'm almost 420km far away from my ... Friend whom I love above all else and I might not even on our 5th Anniversary see from my family and all my friends .. in ner "city", which I do not know and really do not have now, may all alone ... shit and this time not only for a month ...

"Only because of you" I am where I am now ... "just because you" can I be so strong and shine, "only because of you," I forget everything that was yesterday ... what will the then, if I do not have?

Hometown Glory-Adele - MyVideo

Shit ... mutantur omnia, nihil interit true .... hopefully!

How Does Brookstone Tsa Lock Work

Do you remember?

Have found this cool day ... I do sometimes with:

I'm known to old so I remember times back ... hehe

At the first lesson
, 1: I was very disappointed that I did not get a pioneer blouse and a pioneer for cloth anymore, I was put at our Back to School Celebration in the wrong class, I felt totally sucks, because I was wearing kackhässliche clothes (I had to wear tights ne because I had the time to mullet and looked like a boy, to ne denim vest ausm West, a denim skirt with pink ruffles down and ne white ruffled blouse) and it was very cold! Then we came to our class and although I found my teacher (Mrs. Paul!) very nice, but from 1 Day I went to school bag and Rec: we already have on 1 Days have homework! Ugh!

My first lesson as a teacher, incidentally, was also very cool;) want to know more?

War on the first six
in sports ... but then I got regularly 6s! Reason: I was unsporting and when I realized that my efforts (eg the 3000 meter run as asthmatic ...) are not sufficient and I've still got ne 6, I got myself the next time at the beginning comfortably in the corner set and have them give me halt ne 6: D

At first love
Well .. at least what I understood at that time in high school .... love 7th or 8 Class

At the first kiss
get exactly from the first .... a good friend, my first kiss, my first boyfriend and my first major disappointment ..

At the first dance lesson
have until some time with my ex took dance lessons ... so sometime before so about 6-7 years or so. He has made himself (sorry) pretty stupid, but that was in most men countries otherwise. And he always has me yelled, because I did not lead me ... oddly alleged hats worked with different NEM dance partner and with the dance teacher ... well

at the first disappointment
I was 14. My first friend and almost my first love is denied me, because I was apparently embarrassed ... and then, while I thought we were still together, he had to cheer courtyard in front of me with some younger rumknutschen ... well .. we went and ...

on the first driving lesson
CRUEL! I'm afraid to go wild! I went 8 years ago the last time. The first hour was with snow on nem parking lot near my village, and then I had to go home and the villages on a narrow village road totally met me a tractor! He was exactly as wide as the road! Since did I read the first Plays the eyes kept closed in the car ...

to the first cigarette
oh God .. I know that somehow did not ... I have to admit, unfortunately, that was only secondary to my first attempts of the tobacco smoke .. very stupid idea! In any case, wars so in the age of 16?

At the first apartment
Am I restored confiscated in 2003 or 2004 with my Ex .... An extremely horny, huge old building, top with fireplace, double doors and and and ..

On the last night
because the man was lying next to me and fell asleep during Pirates of the Caribbean, has claimed at some point in the night too much space, I do to my body moved was much too warm under the blanket and got up too early: D

Will you join too? Hach is yes ... long, long time ago: D can not count

Monday, February 21, 2011

Poptropica Christmas To Play

Sighted: New Essence LE "Whoom! Boooomm! "

please the "o" s: D

Evenin, dear readers!

Today I was in the tax office and have for the first time ne tax return done ... ok .... I admit: I gave the lady (friend of the family) just think all the paperwork. As I therefore again could check off one item on my list, I felt the need to reward myself.

For those who do not know yet: in the current Instyle (nothing stands in the way of the MBFWB it) there is a Coupon for the new Chanel Inimitable Mascara in Intense sample size that can be picked up at Douglas. Since I wanted to do that, I've made myself the extreme cold and I'm a round through the city and behold: The "old" and Catrice Essence range is reduced, so at least what goes out.

In Müller me what I've indulged in by Catrice, Douglas still a trifle came to DM and I finally find Putzkram and toothpaste or what brought by Essence. However, since the de-listed items are completely uninteresting (I think), what else was allowed to, namely the new LE, which I could examine fully protected.

belongings quickly made a cell phone photo:
Yes, blurry, I know, but my phone is always abolished soon.

My impression:

squeaking colorful! And what annoys me animal: ESSENCE, WHERE THE HELL ARE THE TEST? There are tests for Lipglosstuben .. that's it! How pointless is that? For the commentary, but not for the eye shadow? Now I was not as bold as the colors looked really lame too, and I've only watched the alleged Gelline. This is a very simple palette with magnetic closure, inside small pans with NEM creamy eye shadow (again as in the Smoky Eyes sets) I .. I can imagine the fun pretty is fixed and if not, then it is determined soon dry up. So, no must-have. The rooms look lame Glos also totally off - I did not even tested. The are supposed to change color ... I do not care, kids stuff! !
The nail stickers were me childish, the funny little "mini-Files" I was too stupid, the only interesting were the paints
There are 4 colors: a beautiful, very eye-catching orange, a totally flashy neon yellow, a flashy pink and so ne mixture of violet and blue. I've had it (all other colors because I already have something like that) brought the yellow, which I liked better than me (also. .. at least in the bottle).

Conclusion: Total
colorful cheesy, in my opinion boring LE, the eyeshadows are boring, useless trivia for the me, the lip glosses too ridiculous, the coatings are very pretty, but testing is still pending, the rest is .... .. anyway lame and Essence: AT THE STAND WAS ENOUGH SPACE FOR SOME EYE SHADOWS N TESTER! So please think ahead in the future!

Tomorrow I will then show you my purchases more closely, of course, including swatches of paint, now isses but just too dark!

How do you find the LE? Do you want something out of it? Have you ever bought or tested any of this?

The LE is the way of March - enter April, Essence was once again on time .. I'd rather wait for the new range!