Sunday, March 6, 2011

Swimming Wear With Swimming Pool

1 / 10

Bored .... waiting .... answer questions? 10 x 10?

Your Name? ket

When is your birthday? December

Where are you born?
in Saxony

Where are you now?

What did you just at? H & M dark blue jeans, light sweaters and underwear Mazine, of course

Your most exciting moment so far? the last "best" was the meeting with Soprano and especially the conversation with him

What are you reading now? Jens Peter Jacobsen - Niels Lyhne (one of the favorite books of Rilke)

Do you have a favorite movie? many degree ... it is once again The Godfather

Action or romance? hm .... well ... if by "blockbuster" is: not yet! 0815 I hate this predictable action movies ... because almost prefer love kitsch

What is your favorite song?
Currently Soprano - Melancolique anonymous

Brazilian Wax Abu Dhabi

I run and I run ...

excerpts from the latest "project"

I run and I run away before the time, away from yesterday, tears me apart now
... how much I put one? When I am finally free of what sells me a smile?
What does one expect from days of youth, which gave me virtues, but the courage it took me?
I always valued only the good deeds of the rest of them posted in bleeding phrases.
And I cursed scars, without knowing how well they did me.
Who is it, what is demanded of me to ask?
to endure the anger, my blood freezes in your veins

And I run and I run, too much dirt on his heels, I needed to, despising the yesterday
and tacked it to the file, and then to make it the best.
I will not stand helpless in the way, I want the stress and not wait.
Spitainment KzudemET press and the facts on shiny plates ...

well ... maybe someday ... but right now I'm schreibwütig how rare .... where's lead? That remains to be seen ...

Please do not wonder and worry ... so does the need ego tested in advance;)

I always wonder how others deal with something like ... well ... so that one head is so full that you think he would have burst .. the fact that all the thoughts of a sleep and not let go of the dog in the first of thousands. My method: I put in the works and texts ... free to ne very strange art .. and it is certainly the healthiest, most sensible and most helpful in the long run, showing at least the experience.

Ha, at least that is the proof that this is not a pure beauty blog here: D Do not worry, these times will come again!

Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats For Itouch

LOL: life lessons with Mr. T (video)

also musclemen with Mohawk may have philosophical inclinations ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Holly Willoughby Boobs

I need a € uro € uro € uro is what I need ...

Oh menno! Is that to throw up! So much of what has to be paid (NK payment of arrears, security deposit, furniture, kitchen, washing machine ...) and sooo little money ... and to top it all still soo many beautiful spring things ... Online Window Shopping?

at H & M grad, I could make permanent orders .... well ... so I pack everything in the basket, and watch me throw it grudgingly out again ... eg:

All Photos of H & M

Is not that terrible in common? But no .. I do not need anything, I do not need anything .... lalala ... now I think so ... because I almost turn today's the day used to clear out my closet .... only pre-move ... really what I need may be, that after victories.

As you find things like that?

And sometimes a stupid question: what do you do with sorted clothes? I.d.R. verkloppe ich gut erhaltene und Marken-Klamotten bei Ebay, andere, bei denen ich denke, dass ich definitiv keine Kohle mehr dafür bekomme, geb ich, nachdem ne Freundin drin gestöbert hat, eigentlich immer an die Kleiderkammer...

Aussortieren mache ich übrigens jede "Saison", also einmal vorm Herbst (da wird der Schrank auf "kalt" umgeräumt) und einmal vorm Frühling (da wird auf "warm" sortiert). Raus fliegt alles, was ich in den letzten 2 Jahren nicht getragen hab und wo ich realistisch gesehen nicht mehr reinpasse bzw. nicht mehr reinpassen will.

Betsey Johnson Diaper Bag Wild Baby

fingers crossed! BITTEEEE!

So...erstmal muss ich mich bei allen Siegenern und Siegen-Liebhabern entschuldigen....aber wenn ihr gesehen hättet, that was me on the first day offered as a "housing", you'd understand my reaction ... my ass in the world and more like single cell ne ... there would be the rent as a penalty ne occurred .... 30 days for a 10 € because of bad choices: D

the way, was the horror on 2 House hunting day of the increase yet ... Location: very good, flat = wet, icy "cave" with glass door, without heating (which was just ripped out the connections gabs .... but still), dark, old, with foil glued fronts of the "kitchen" corrugated, prior to moisture and age, smelly, small, and not for 350 € ... 4 years ... let hm ... why?

But in the end I've found my dream house: a convenient position, all you need to achieve on foot, bus almost the front door, quiet and green, great kitchen, 2 rooms, small and sweet! And super cheap! A DREAM! THERE I can certainly appreciate, Mitzi I could define me .. now I only get them!

What reassures me: also three other alternatives still exist! Puuuuh!

So keep your fingers crossed that I get my sweet little dream home! I want her soooo much!

And on "without a car is nothing": I do not know me there, so I am in finding an apartment just after "Looks as if it's not far away from the university are "gone .... but it had several" districts ", the once an hour a bus (and as far as I've seen ONLY at school) and the one after 18 neither can reach out even more ... the problem is really holding that wins drags quite a bit and many areas seem to be real rural. But I think if I get one of the 4 favorite homes, I can definitely get used to victories ... reconciled;)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Seasonique And Brown Discharge

first Result .... sobering

First of all: I'm damn grateful that my parents have driven me first so I left the train saves, 2 it would have been possible, all these far-flung homes! (To be found let alone) to achieve fast and 3 I would have to spend very much money for bus tickets and would still run for miles.
5 apartments were finally on the list, 2 classes were canceled me (thank you), an apartment was an absolute joke (which looked like a jail ... because my bathroom is bigger than the whole apartment including bathroom), the another house would have been extremely full and the "last" apartment was perfect! Still, I'm pretty disappointed ..... The location was not sooo doll, but it fits ... Siegen is and remains my favorite city, but was unfortunately confirmed my thoughts again.

Now I'll drink beer n, then goes on tomorrow, min again. 5 apartments.

is a fact that wins without a car is real shit ... at least, is reasonably cheap ne 1-2 room apartment will have that does not look like a prison cell ... I hope, tomorrow will be better .... I will not get away from Leipzig (

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free Gal Extreme Curves

The bag is packed

... posters and flyers are distributed ... bag packed, lists and synopses are printed, which is Besichtungsliste .... 7:30 tomorrow morning ready to hit after victories ... am very excited about the flats! total there are now about 12 apartments that I look at me. I hope I'm back again Friday night ...

'm off presses! my fingers crossed .. look ma, what my parents win .. say my enthusiasm has within limits ...

makes at least this degree of mad creative mood ... so .. not what this boredom - As image in a bad mood ... but others ... 2 new tracks are created here!

now are still Simpsons, then will continue tonight and texted or How I met your mother ...

Streaming English Dubbed

Murder, She Wrote! Pt 3

I'm busy again killed, this time even really much!


I'll start with the hair products to:

Balea Professional Repair Shampoo

Pro: Contains no silicones, is to get relatively cheap and good (in any DM). The shampoo I've got myself, because my hair in the winter were quite strained and I've promised by nem NK not shampoo more help and what can I say? It worked! The shampoo made my hair even before the mud really soft and silky, I had neither a fly nor klatschige hair like this, my hair shines after (and primarily related to the repair irrigation) and were really soft and easier to comb. Problems with the scalp / o scales I could see it either. The shampoo lathers very strong and smells really good for 'Friosör "not so kräutrig, as the whole NK things I've used before. And the smell was too long in my hair, which I find out! In
Repair shampoos I've always let fear bissl that they are rich and do my hair zuuu klatschig, complain or faster fat but this one has done nothing like this, but it was rich enough to give my hair feel, well maintained to have been. In addition, royal jelly may be present.

Cons: No NK, therefore, not all INCISER said the hit, otherwise I could not find a Contra ..

Recommendation: Yes! Especially in connection with the drilling mud, the great on my hair the winter or the very hard time to be related! I'm very satisfied!

purchse: I think so! I will first try out even the gloss of Balea Professional shampoo and then is safe here my secret weapon against problem hair.

Alverde brown mud walnut chestnut:

Pro: It is NK, therefore, no silicone, no mineral oil based ingredients, the rinse is vegan and developed without animal testing. Moreover, the price of NK really cheap and you get the mud at every DM I also think it smells good: slightly nutty, slightly sweet. The consistency is good, it is quite thick and spreads easily in the hair ... unfortunately wars also saw this on pros for me

Cons: First: I am animal got a Braun product and immediately bought shampoo and conditioner, the shampoo seemed to dry my hair and the shampoo made my hair totally klatschig and greasy. I do not understand .... you might think that the combination works then, but no, she did not with me! No matter what shampoo I used before, no matter how much mud I took (or rather how little), no matter how long I washed out my hair, I always felt that my hair are still totally greasy. And, my hair felt not care .. but to just klatschig! I've now finally used up the mud, because not I wanted to throw it away, but has used forever and I've always taken only ne tiny amount. Thus, of course, was even less visible effect. My hair was then partially dried, partially and totally complained klatschig-fatty, stringy. Ok, my Braun shares looked intense, but can also leaned on the gossip refrain ... the wet hair look so whatever "darker" and intense in color from ...

Recommendation: So I can not recommend flushing without a guilty conscience .... especially since I also by many other the same experiences've heard .... you should have it or have to use up: it uses as little as possible with a rich shampoo, use a little (or mixes it with another Condi), wash your hair out long extreeeeem (preferably also even after use) and: used to rinse really just the top ... even in lengths of hats greased with me and pasted like hell ... but at a different hair can be different again ... but I just want to say: my hair is not greasy quickly .. otherwise I wash every 2-3 days, with the mud had ego actually do every day ..

purchse : definitely not! Too bad!

Now The shower gels petit (of which I have so much too many!)

Balea Mon Paris Shower

Pros: Cheap and: DUUUUFT! How can you describe it? Sweet, bissl of flowers, but also a bit fruity, I can describe quite bad, but I totally mags! I think it smells kind of "pink": D But I do not think too intrusive. The consistency was great, had spread well and rinse well also. It has not dried out my skin and my sensitive skin hats tolerate great.

Cons: Was a Limited Edition, you can not get over that. Moreover, even the Balea or above the LE shower gels are known to be not very caring. Although they have not dried out my skin, it also has nothing itchy or anything, but I still always had the need einzucremen me what I do anyway always nachm showers. Unfortunately, the smell does not consider that long.

Recommendation: Actually yes .... if you like a cheap, sweet-smelling summer shower gel and would like ... but will not get mans

purchse: not work unfortunately, since LE

Alverde summer shower blueberry basil

Pro: THE SMELL! Exactly one needs in the summer! Sweet, fruity and fresh! It smells very strongly of strawberry, or by generally red berries, but somehow fresh, that's the basil (it smells of basil, but not dominant .... just something that smells just kräutrig fresh). On the skin, the feeling is very pleasant! Also, the shower gel from Alverde, that it is NK, vegan and non-animal tests. The price, as with all Alverde shower gels also more favorable. The skin tolerance was for me great, small margins, and no problems: I found the scent remains relatively long on the skin.

Cons: that no longer: (This is the only major drawback of the shower gel Otherwise, I think that you should also use a body lotion afterwards, it does not dry out, but it usually just not as proper care shower!. .

Recommendation: JAA But that no longer exists and I mourn like crazy Hopefully This summer was equivalent

purchse!!.! longed for the beautiful

Alverde shower cream fig sugarcane

Pro: The shower cream is amazingly rich and well tolerated, it maintains my skin really well. Moreover, it is NK and it still really cheap. The shower cream is given to each DM and vegan. It has held remarkably long time without changing texture, color, or at least smell ... the smell did not stay long on the skin.

Cons: The smell .. with which I could somehow do not really make friends. From the tube, it smelled really good. Sweet, fruity bissl. But on the skin, it smelled fishy and somehow only iiih ... ... somehow neither figs nor for sugar cane, just like that one .. strange heavy smell .. really bad .. you can describe but I'm on several NK shower gels have noticed ... I was not real great.

recommendation : Who likes the smell ... The purchase can be much, but it smells really on the skin very different from the Tube .. So ... my nose says probably not, because I am much important that the shower gel smells really good!

purchse: IIIK! Definitely NO!

And last but not the facial products
Dr Hauschka Cleansing Milk

Pro: I get paid habs: D This is yet again, great! Moreover, it is NK and Surfactant cleaning, I have it not just as a make-up remover, but generally used as a cleanser. It has freed my skin well of make-up and dirt. I have to tolerate a great cleanser, or itching, or soreness, even pimples.

Cons: Dr. Hauschka I personally always a bit too expensive (although I can not give any exact prices). In addition, the bottom dropped in the bottle yet undetermined amount ne product, which is to get to the pump dispenser also not get out. Waste! The smell, I find this does not sooo great too .... too much of typical NK smell. I need a product for blemished skin, Dr Hauschka has not reached me. It has indeed become no more and no less. Dado Sens was better, even Alverde Clear was better!

Recommendation: I think there are enough favorable facial cleansers, including at the NK base that I have tolerated at least as good. Therefore: yes and no ... but really can recommend ego further if you have no problem with the price.

purchse: Definitely not .. too expensive and not all desires to become a facial cleansing.

Alverde Clear peeling Heilerde

Pro: NK, cheap and to get at DM! The exfoliating mask is also vegan. You should help to bad skin and it does in my opinion also. As a mask, it leaves a soft, velvety skin feel, you feel even the same kind of clean and ... "more clearly". But you can make in less time, just a scrub that, it is gentle, but has enough scratch force that also does what on the face (many peels are gentle with me because ....). My skin reacts to but not with irritation and redness. The consistency of the peeling is very thick ... so thickly quasi: D If you can say so .... by the mask slip not and do not run away. For easy peeling to damp skin, is also easy! The mask can also be quickly and easily removed with water. I have the feeling like my skin hats, the troubled skin has become more uniform. I got a few pimples and my pores looked smaller. Moreover, a matted bissl. The use and dosage is also very practical.

Cons: will occur to me grad absolutely nothing!

Recommendation: definitely!

purchse: jap! Once AOK sea sand almond meal is used up!

Have it your products? Vll and made the same experiences or completely different? LE
Which product is mourning after her?

Now I'm in the way the first City, posters and fliers and bissl enjoy the sun!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Royal Caribbean Soup Recipes

teeny Purchasing & Post & Music

Hall oils!

So! Today I successfully sent my application ... ie it still lacks a signature and I'm back in work! A great feeling! I also have a lot Wohnungsbesichtungungen for Thursday and Friday, if I'm going to win. Wish me luck, that is something!

Then I wanted to look into the city .... new Catrice, P2 and Essence range? Except Essence gabs it all, but at P2, it looked pretty looted from looted in Catrice either given or it was just (can not say you saw ... total mess and half given out, along with other Catrice ne case was finished, but on that picture changed within an hour and nothing confers ne-wife was not to see) so I first brought nothing save .... and so ne;)

I've also still NEN DM voucher and I will then immediately get into a heap all I of the new stuff from P2 and Essence "need".

But I was just at H & M looking for the ominous Doppelringset that should there be there ... found nothing ... There Were it but the totally cool oversized chunky knit cardigan, which I once ordered and teeth gnashing have sent back because 30 € were just too expensive for 50% off! Juhu! Now he belongs to me and I'm looking forward to the summer and countless combinations of ideas that I've had!

That's it! Yes, I have to pull together ... 1 Relocation, 2nd And 3rd Anniversary This month is also the new album Soprano (again more on that later: D) When I came

heem, NEN I had strange, thick letter in the mailbox ... aaaah! Stylight! All right! But .... bissl small, right? Well ... I've unpacked the scarf and was amazed by its size bissl .... also i had given me for the announced "elaborate design also presented bissl more, but hey .... fürn given ... Spring is not bad!

Sun .. now again at Soprano .... yes, I know, but I'm still wasted: D Listen to the last few days again his albums up and down and also if I Puisqu'il faut vivre content like better, I also find La Colombe really cool ... and .... the man inspired me over and over again ...
I need to finally make the damn album, and much more Leave : I finally want to stand Times .. unfortunately I have the feeling that German is just not done this ... but if you ask now: "What the hell Double Times?", Then draws you in and once the track here respects on it once, with what speed Ner raps .... that's almost twice as fast, how would provide the beat ... and the flow ... That's how it sounds damn!

Do you hear what I mean? Just as the beat of "hops", which I now finally try and get additional time ... about time after over 10 years will make Mucke ... that would be ridiculous!

The track is also from the very first Album Puisqu'il faut vivre "that is also my absolute favorite songs on it are spine-tingling ....

Sun .. the 2nd Album, there are also so nen wonderful spine-tingling track .... so .. more ... this is my favorite grade: Hiro:

This is from the new album "La Colombe". I think the video very cool!

comes in about 3 weeks the next: "Le Corbeau", which here sometimes DOPE:

Soprano - Dope
Uploaded by sopranofficiel . - View more music videos in HD!

Although this is no longer so quiet and typical Soprano-melancholy, I am happy as hell on the new album! Must have! Not least because of the features with Methodman! I'm just ... IAM & Redman & Methodman with the great line "Just give me an hour, I banged 2 women on the Eiffel Tower ".... typical Redman!

the way ... I verpeilt throughout the hectic photo of an outfit last Thursday got here .. the only usable stage photo I have of me on Thursday:
not worry, it was not empty : D were so I guess so that about 100 people when I'm not totally mistaken.
The Outfit: (! From Berlin that) dark red Nike Vandal High black Treggings white new Adidas shirt, maroon American Apparel jacket fitted perfectly to the Shoelaces cheer shirt and the shoes: D

And of course again the master:
photos by the way made the man ... well .. were about 20 that the "best" ... so that's just when he is alone just forward to stand for and can not ever break away from the French .. because he has to stop at the beer to hold on .. and then the photos just as blurred as his eyes: D

My final question for today is: If you give
actually have money for music? If so, what do you buy? Downloads? CDs? Plates? Do nothing? I buy even not a lot of music ... only if I like something very good and I like to support the artist .... would have been my last music purchases by the way:
Alonzo - Les Temps modernes
Soprano - La Colombe
Adele - 19 (yes. .. I know ... 21's the new, but that comes later, if favorable will )
Fashawn - Boy meets world

I buy in the way lately only downloads, mostly through iTunes or Amazon.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Change Russian Language To English In Mw2

Google Analytics: And February is even worse!

Heyho love, wonderful readers: D

First SORRY it lately so little of me is ... the stupid move and the whole planning, including finding accommodation robs a lot of time really ....

time again I would let you participate in my monthly Google Analytics searches. This month, there is absolutely reaches the top! I'm disgusted, I've thrown away with laughter .... What are you looking only? And why do you think that to find me?

These are my results:

German theme:

"I hate präpositonen"
Na and what do you say? I go home? "I am writing pen"? "I'm lying bed"? Prepositions are important, dammit!

there as a regular and prepositions to give to local conditions , example: in, before, on, behind, beside, between, etc

"past tense (1) and past participle (2) word was"
was = past tense, as shown = Part II, all right?

"pink pink pink adjectival"
my opinion, pink declined only as "pink"!

"grammar lesson plan"
be found in any textbook ... otherwise go to make themselves beautiful!

"as it declined beige"
Even if it may do differently now .. I am for the variation as in "pink" ... so beige ....

topic Rap
"clean rhyme" and "rape Leave "
her found here

" I would like to write a rap, but like "

First, it says" the rap "in the accusative words" I want to write a rap, "clearly as far as the question?! here

"let me dive deeper"
I see my goal in mind

"teacher rhyming"

hm ..'m harder, stronger, trouble-making .. everything reminds me of a grade not

"raps with the red pencil to write the"
has probably rumgesprochen: D

"as learn to double rhyme? "

First use simple rhymes to write an awful lot and if possible, otherwise much freestyle ... .. just write a lot! It all comes with time!

" about what you can write a rap "
on just about everything a so busy ... whether positive or negative ... I will always only important to be there "real" is, therefore, does not tell shit and really is! Otherwise, there are no limits ..

"What rhymes with German rapper talk about gangsta"
Is that so hard I would recommend ? mind even after

! Theme Beauty:

. Good nail polish free of Schädl substances "
So there are some types of paint, the" free big 3 "(ie free of formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate), overall I can but as to help no further ... it is and will not drink containing paint ... mans. But yes vll the here helps more ..

"hauschka quince or alverde alpenrose"

I am is cheaper for Alverde Alpine Rose .. and I better contract ...

"you can use styling products Got2be guardian angel with others?"
Sure why not? Is not a styling product, but a heat protection!

"mac foundation smells funny"

old or fake?

"mac studio Apply fix powder foundation"
I do with my Zoeva Stinktierpinsel ausm Very Croc Set

"advantages of Alterra hair products"
silicone-free, relatively good INCISER, no animal testing, NK, sometimes really top efficiency (especially to get Shine Conditioner !!!), easy (Ross) for NK really cheap!


"Grandma sucks since ss"
hm .... like now?

"belly cut open"
that you really seem to care, or?

"Why is unclear, and at the beach?"
-> a mumble!

"10 things you like about me,"
who wants to know?

"3 things you like about me,"
na 3 things I find determined ....

is evil!

lean men blogspot "
Gibts not work for me .... at least not encouraging blog ... sorry, I'm a woman! THE with a red pen, u know?

Yes ... that can already exist! But as you me, I you!

"foreign beer specialty store leipzig"
At Karstadt Kaufhof +, otherwise, the home of the 1000 beers in Leipzig also ... at least if the beer market is .. eh is my tip: Leipzig Beer Exchange!

"banksy ipod madonna"

ok ...?

"blog head cut off"

"things that you like"
- if you (as it should be) a comma before a relative pronoun is
- Rap
good books - good films
- Shopping
- fix spelling error
- - Beer
cuddling and by the afternoon with the man in the nest are
- Barbecue at the chess center
- IAM, Oxmo, Psy4traaa, FF, Big L, RAG, Creutzfeldt Jakob, Guru, Jeru the Damaja, Looptroop, Mobb Deep ...
and and and

"colored hotel slippers"
were our red I think, right?

"gucci bag stinks
Hmm .. sure there are no" Cucci "or" Guccy "bag is?

"buy h & m with dm"
Ne .... should be here already €! Man, are you old school!

"I can tell you on my blog what I cook "
Occasionally, yes .. but also because I put a comma before a relative pronoun!

" there is something you can win or how does that "
naja ... sometimes? What's it all about?
"cook with dioxin"
is quite unhealthy .. but certainly cheaper

is delicious and tastes best on fresh onion bread horseradish on it! "bloggers minor"

there are a lot ... sometimes it's shocking how they to present 14 year old ... only in underwear, lascivious wallowing in front of the camera ... or get drunk at parties with Hartalk ... something I find absolutely no good, otherwise I have nothing against underage bloggers ... but you should always consider what you share with the world ... you should blog about nothing, what one might be embarrassed if anyone will notice

"sneeze after airwave"

"tights tipsy"
What is that search, please find it?

"tights vodka"
it was determined the same viewfinder!

"stern castle export storage" He

"why has not bremen zara"
I've asked myself ... even victories got one!

"winter jackets for people with disabilities" So I do not know myself unfortunately .... should

"poem for Accountants"
What you need something? But ok ..

I'm drowning in sea of paper NEM
This bureaucracy is easy to understand difficult
so please, dear advisor, to do so with the tax, and not
swindle, because that will certainly expensive ..


"goose fat dm"
no idea obs gives there?

has JustinBieber glazr a yes or no " Um ... so I'll just go assuming that you mean" bald head "mean .. but how the hell should I know? Is still almost n child, so I'd Tap once to "no" ...

about non-family safe!

"hairy triangle"
uh .. ok? Does this mean what I think?

"I'm a bad girl"
yes ... sometimes ...

"young women in tights."

not available here, you pig!

"Lick my asshole clean the gays"

available here not ... ugh!

"girl licking girl"

coming ever before ... but neither here nor generally with me!

"the breasts with a red pen"
ok ... that makes me scared now!

"with the red pencil möpse"
now none of that! Your horny little Googlers her!

still represent all categories, as you see: D

To all bloggers out there: what are your least funny or strangest search words?

Will Teeth Pockets Heal

La cucina verde ♥

I'm an avowed meat eater little, even a nearly vegetation ..... I like the word V not!
Because with the only V Vegetable patties, bean sprouts, tofu and other! I'm not.
But the industrial meat eaters scene, said o) well, that the "non-meat eaters" absolutely need a meat substitute ..... why? So I do not! I like meat, but not so much. I think it should read: "We eat vegetarian today times" (now isses but come on my keyboard, oh no, o)) "we eat meat today, even" hot! Then something else in this world would ... well, that's another, long theme ....
I wanted to something completely different out .....

For all who love and vegetables as much as I and the consumption is not the same feel as a hare, I have a wonderful cookbook from Carlo Bernasconi discovered with great vegetable recipes: o) I am absolutely thrilled with the beautiful pictures of Larissa Bertonasco in the book. The finished dishes, although not shown, but one can even think about it and it is then also not be disappointed if the court is different than on the non-existing image, o)

I images even find so beautiful that after much consideration (if I "hurt" the beautiful book) can be framed two motifs and hang up.

The book also gives great here and the beautiful illustrations can be purchased in larger sizes here.

Best wishes and if you have the book already knows, or want to buy you ... enjoy your new cook

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Problems With Baxi Boilers

cocktail hour with SHATLER's

A heavy package waiting for me .... of SHATLER's ! The other day I had on some blogs seen that SHATLER's looking for testers finished their cocktails, I've been through the same time, because I actually like to drink cocktails, unfortunately it is usually much too expensive in the clubs and bars. There

SHATLER's cocktails are available in different varieties of popular and classic cocktails in alcohol-free versions. I was allowed to choose two varieties.

Here is an overview, from which I could choose:

With Alcohol:

- Sex on the Beach
- Pina Colada
- Mai Tai
- Caipirinha
- Tequila Sunrise
- Iceland Long Iced Tea
- Swimming Pool
- Havana Special
- Planter's Punch
- Singapore Sling

Without Alcohol:

- Virgin Colada
- Havana
Juicer - San Francisco
- Wake Up

The cocktails are available either via the Online Shop , in bars or in beverage markets. In the online shop costs of alcoholic cocktail € 2.98 and the "virgin" € 2.48 per can.

I decided for Pina Colada and a swimming pool. For this, the team's SHATLER was kind enough to send me also 2 totally great cocktail glasses (or are the Longdrikgläser?), Which I find totally chic!

Sun .... we therefore have a complete Cocktail in a small cardboard box (200ml) for .... not by 3 € per cocktail so you can get started, all you need is ice (preferably crushed ice that I had not) and a sufficiently large glass and you're set .

all the ingredients for the cocktail are included, but it is strongly recommended that you use enough ice and the cocktail not to drink directly from the can. I no longer had sooo many ice cubes and was curious (I had also invited a co-tester, which was also curious, skeptical and thirsty), so I filled each glass with 5-6 ice cubes, the doses as directed vigorously shaken and then poured.

Even when poured, I noticed that especially Pina Colada looks rather watery. I know the cocktail bars and even more as bissl creamy cocktail. The colors I felt was a bit stronger than "normal".

left Pina Colada, right swimming pool. The colors are slightly distorted.

So we have tasted it ....

First impression Pina Colada :

I: - mh .... coco .... fruity ... not so sweet ... but the alcohol comes out quite nice .. so .. it tastes quite "strong" (he has, according to box 12.1%), but I lack a little creamier bissl the typical Pina Colada consistency, to me it seems too thin, though there is absolutely no watery taste. Hm .. I'm far more ridiculous Pina Coladas drunk?

Co-tester: tastes good, but I think something chemically, no idea what's going on. And that is not otherwise somehow creamy? With cream or something?

Conclusion: We both are very good cocktail, a look at the ingredients shows that the pineapple juice is from concentrate and it is coconut syrup and coconut liqueur is also still there. The ingredients are on the way, this can not in German.

The "normal" version of Pina Colada is with "Cream of Coconut "made, or made with coconut syrup and cream. As the creamy part is missing here, can probably be the impression we both had to explain this. .. But not a thing to a shot of cream, then I think he And the perfect cocktail is not bad for not by 3 €

Then the Swimming Pool:!

I: ok ... I would be a bissl Curacao too much and this cocktail I creamier and creamier in memory, but the alcohol taste is not as strong as in out of the Pina Colada

Co-tester: So I bissl to the bitter or angry ... or what is it and somehow tastes even more artificial .... I prefer to take back the Pina Colada!

Conclusion: We had, unfortunately, the same criticism as the Pina Colada. The classic swimming pool that is made with coconut cream and this cream here but it tastes more like a fruit cocktail with coconut.

Sun .. now we'll look at me, what are the advantages (as producers) of SHATLER's Cocktails:

• The first fix-and-ready-for cocktails at home

that may be ... is really all there, except for ice cream and

· Incredibly fruity and authentic cocktail taste like your favorite bar

I think can correct NEM freshly made cocktail not keep them. It is ever the juice guilt, always tastes more like bissl "nectar" than 100% juice. But the cocktails in the bar but cost also doubled, so good compromise!

· stands ready mixed in individual portions

Well, almost done ... but on the website as a "tip" that you can modify and refine the cocktails, but since I think the cream I tested the cocktails to compulsory one, should be noted that vll directly on the can .. almost ... "with ice cream and" serve or what I know;)
But the advantage is definitely that you do not have to buy all the individual ingredients together, because let's face it .... how long do you need to consume a bottle of Curacao? Or a bottle of rum and a bottle of vodka (I hope for you that the answer is "very long" is!)

• Only still crushed ice

.. and add cream ..

· Also uncooled long shelf life without preservatives

That's a good thing! My Cocktails were preserved the way to November. If you could cancel now the swimming pool the E-cloth from the ingredients, then it would be really great!

° on each occasion, with each spontaneous parties, family celebrations, birthdays, gift, or a creative gift for the perfect evening with your best friends, a candlelit dinner or simply as a tasteful transition to a relaxing evening

So for candle-light dinner or evening with friend and so I find it great! So ... if you just have to buck NEN cocktail .... find at this party but soon I "not great .... I would prefer but then for the Basics Cocktails provide and let people try to mix it, because I think that's cheaper in bulk: D

If you have also fixed now to test the open, then quickly looks even more here because you find that is the Test action for bloggers!

All in all .... if I see are the cocktails in the store, I would take determined again, because I find the idea quite nice and the prices are still moderate, so I've now learned more ice cream + And then certainly delicious! However, I will still prefer to stick with beer ... between 37 and 48ct for 0.5 l is just unbeatable.