Friday, January 14, 2011

Airsoft Cqb In Pittsburgh

Update: you know someone in Cadiz (southern Spain) those poor cats can help? it's pretty urgent ..

Subject: Update 1.26 : you know someone who can help in Cadiz (southern Spain) those poor cats? it's pretty urgent ..
After the last call finally done something, and you could capture 5 cats (pictures attached), they could be captured relatively easy because the famine was enormous .. they were scared at first, but over time they appeared sociable and you could see that they knew of dealing with people already, so they must have previously lived with people, or near them ..

Some donations are also received and they have treated the cats already so, some are in poor condition (cold, diarrhea, fleas, etc.), but they hope for more donations so that they and other cats that are still trapped will, can be treated completely, with castration and blood test.

If you know someone in Cadiz (these cats are in Chiclana de la Frontera.), The financial or could help with nursing stations / terminals, please go spread, cats and their rescuers still need urgent help.

peq.peludos @ ;

Asunto: Fwd: NOTICIAS: unos 20 gatos a pie de un hombre del rio Muriendo a manos .... ayuda!




hi tod @ s;

above all to thank the people who have an interest in this case.

we have to take 5 cats River.
all are scared and need time to adapt, but it shows that before been
sociable or at least have lived around people.
is relatively easy to catch them because they are hungry enough, and with the cage that we do not take them
or 10 minutes to fall. the poor is spent
pretty bad there.

have received donations that we are using when you have a review at the vet
prior (and emerging in poor condition;
colds, diarrhea and fleas), mainly), as
posteriior sterilization and tests. we're still in them we have

homes are having to use because the area have not gone
just received and these are impresdindibles
to continue taking more. this is quite urgent, since it seems that the month of February will come
very cold, and there is absolutely nothing there where
shelter, just a few boxes that we have but just 2 days last
on. Mrs.

on the strip there, we are trying to contact her.

attached some pictures of the rescue, and we ask please help
as shelters for the area as they seek adoption. and if someone can help
economically, used for further
castration, and missing even a fairly large group.

leave the account again:

Caja Rural;
3187 0130 82 2806960726 IBAN: BIC
ES7731870130822806960726: BCOEESMM187

still need help for following through

14/01/2011 11:01, Miwa Kunz wrote:
These cats in the pictures, all relatively young,
were suspended last year already on a river in Cadiz
(there was already call for help by the span . Distribution in December,
then unfortunately things happened, not pretty, as I have now found)
are all on his own .. and there is rarely food and water,
they starve, die of thirst, freeze to be poisoned by people who tortured and killed.
The water from the river is effluent, and there often hang around people
make the drink or other nonsense.
The cats have there practically no hiding and protection options,
against such people and bad weather.
The animal rights activists want to save the cats like to castrate give leave and
but as always because of the lack of donations.
who wish to financially help: (I currently have only this info, sorry ..)

IBAN: BIC ES7731870130822806960726

or who would like to contact us directly:
contact is Ana: peq.peludos @

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CADIZ - About 20 cats at the foot of a river, and are dying at the hands of man .... help!
Datum: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:48:17 +0100
Von: Sonia Trimboli

---- - Forwarded message ----
From: ana lopez \u0026lt; peq.peludos @>
Posted: Wed, January 12, 2011 20:51
Subject: about 20 cats at the foot of a river, and are dying at the hands of men .... help! PHOTOS

Hi tod @ s ,
my name is ana, I belong to a protector of Cadiz. along with 3 colleagues
more we try to solve the sentence
are having a group of cats, mostly young, left by an
lady who usually do it often (after cats have their litters).
briefly explain the case:
these cats have been abandoned walk from a river, but this river
has no option to get out because
to jump on a wall. the most agile and adults if we
sometimes seen emerging. but
puppies up 6-7 months or more, we can not leave.
there are no food or drinking water. drink from the river, where he arrived directly
sewage, or what he sometimes
put some people in the area know about them.
food does not have anything, only made him a lady
more when you can, but everyone has to close
against it.
worst of all, the aces to get out of them is almost impossible.
but for people that go with bad intentions towards them,
is very very easy.
these cats are literally dying of cold,
because they have nowhere to cover when it rains.
these cats are starving (especially the more babies),
because there is little food. these cats are drinking contaminated water
as water bowls that put,
devote themselves to throw someone car oil to make it impossible
drinking. and worst of all is that these cats
are dying because a group of people
(to call them that),
dedicated to go there to drink and making them distracted damage.
I have photos of any puppy died from the cold. and there is also puppy
bodies crushed stone, another
have put a bag over his head, another
have put a firecracker in the ass to exploit it ,.... .
and could follow. poisoned last year to all.
that this defendant, but has not done anything JUSTICE.
ask for help, as always, diffusion, adoption,
hosted by the Cadiz area (since we have some people ineresada)
and who can help economically be used for the sterilization of cats
( a veterinarian makes us a special discount)
and search homes.
're already paying some that we have taken,
but it is impossible to pay all cases.
who wants and can help this is the account number:

Caja Rural, 3187 0130 82 2806960726 IBAN
: ES7731870130822806960726
please, just a little can help a lot.
send photos and proof of veterinarian upon request without any problem.
a greeting and thanks.


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