Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do Women Men With Shaved Genitals

flood the shelter PAD

Hello My dear friends cat,

This is a report on the flooding in the PAD in Fuengirola in southern Spain.
From there I got my cats (LINDA PEDRO +) 13 years ago. The
Ilona I have known for many years (now it is 13 years),
guuuuuten welfare makes it down there
seeeeeehr good even ........!!!!!

wrote me this email yesterday and I immediately offered to help,
will transfer money to Ilona. Since
I know it in the PAD across.

I had a great request to you:
Anyone have some extra money left and has not yet been issued for all gifts,
the may please donate for these animals.
It's just before Christmas. Please let your heart speak.
The report is very close to me. Perhaps it is the one or the other so

Here, the Bank of Ilona:

Name: Lothar + Ilona Cichon
Bank: Banco de Andalucia / Banco Popular
IBAN: ES22 0075 3180 0807 0608 9091

at 11 or 12-digit BIC must be filled in the boxes, then fill with XXXX!

I assure you, the money is really there at the bottom, in the PAD.
that promise with my name, you can believe it
me. I know some people personally !!!!!!!!
Chantal, the shelter director I have taken this year
3 small dogs to Hanover.
Please help if you can.

It's still raining in torrents there !!!!!!!
(have just phoned her)

hopeful wishes from your


anita.altrogge @ t-online.de

Hi Anita,
many thanks.
donations are currently much more important than material donations,
as they can currently be stored anywhere. Such things as blankets, towels and pillows
gets, the PAD in large quantities -
by the many hotels around here.
Everything is broken and unusable - the refrigerators, in which the drugs were stored
and vaccination, the washing machines, feed supplies, the cat trees,
the wooden fence in front of him modern ...... ...... the power is out.
Everything must be purchased new - but first has to be renovated.
Look at the picture: the lower cages were completely under water,
in the series about the water was up to half of the cages.
And left you see an electrical outlet and light switch! The
were also under water. It's almost a miracle
are not all killed in electrocution.
probably have all the electrical cables to be replaced.
It will take a while for the PAD is reasonably habitable again ..............
how bad it was for the first aid workers on site, shows A report from Gillian:

love Petra, (a friend of Ilona)

everything was terrible. We had no time to cry before it was over.
The dead were floating in the hallway, but we did not do anything for them because it
were the survivors that we had to get out. The worst part
were the big dogs, some weighing 30 pounds and no longer run could
because they were so exhausted and my husband, son, Daniella and
volunteer named Jose have brought these dogs to safety, a
after others, while Adriana is then taken care of on the road to it
added. Some had to be cages rausgeholt
by breaking and cutting, because they were trapped, and then they had to be lifted out with great
effort from the water and that of
1.5 meter high (I am very glad that I have a VERY strong husband I).

is what I wanted to tell you that Chantal and I finally got to the cattery could
in cage 9 and she pulled out what looked like a drowned cat.
This poor cat had apparently swum over 2 hours without
desperate climb up somewhere to be. They gave it to me and he had only weak pulse.
20 seconds later, he would probably drowned, for he had ceased to struggle.
I wrapped him in a blanket and my son Danny ran into the street and brought him
in the heated car and we thought he would live only a few minutes
. When we had rescued an hour later all the cats we brought him and others after 8
home. He was still alive with a terrible hypothermia.
The friend of my son stayed with him 3 hours prior to the heating and rubbed
and moved him because he was unable to move themselves, and slowly back to life in
it came, the whole time he was shaking. He could not get up because his legs were exhausted
. On that evening, he managed to stand on the front legs
and something to eat and then get up. Now 2 days later, he's
good again. He is black and white and about 7 months old and I have called in Miracle.
He cared and now cleans the other kittens, which I have here and he is one of the bravest and greatest
cats I have ever seen. He cared a red
about 2 month kitten (boy), which is very sweet and very cold. As Miracle
dried, had the boy on it to put on it to warm it and now
Miracle because it makes it better is not the little ones in mind. It is a fantastic
is my request, these two cats, and in particular Miracle earn a great
life. Is there any possibility that someone takes Miracle and if possible, the little red
ask for? I would hate to separate the two.
I am
work, but later in the evening I could send you pictures of the two. Please let me know
. If you know someone who two brave, great cats with a love
character who went through hell I would like that please let me know.

Thank you for everything you do love Petra. I wish you a safe journey to Spain.


saludos, Ilona.


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