Friday, December 31, 2010

Five Pointed Star In Hand Palm

luck ....

... it will rain for you all!

Enjoy the last day of the year and slides well over

Green luck greetings Marina

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do Women Men With Shaved Genitals

flood the shelter PAD

Hello My dear friends cat,

This is a report on the flooding in the PAD in Fuengirola in southern Spain.
From there I got my cats (LINDA PEDRO +) 13 years ago. The
Ilona I have known for many years (now it is 13 years),
guuuuuten welfare makes it down there
seeeeeehr good even ........!!!!!

wrote me this email yesterday and I immediately offered to help,
will transfer money to Ilona. Since
I know it in the PAD across.

I had a great request to you:
Anyone have some extra money left and has not yet been issued for all gifts,
the may please donate for these animals.
It's just before Christmas. Please let your heart speak.
The report is very close to me. Perhaps it is the one or the other so

Here, the Bank of Ilona:

Name: Lothar + Ilona Cichon
Bank: Banco de Andalucia / Banco Popular
IBAN: ES22 0075 3180 0807 0608 9091

at 11 or 12-digit BIC must be filled in the boxes, then fill with XXXX!

I assure you, the money is really there at the bottom, in the PAD.
that promise with my name, you can believe it
me. I know some people personally !!!!!!!!
Chantal, the shelter director I have taken this year
3 small dogs to Hanover.
Please help if you can.

It's still raining in torrents there !!!!!!!
(have just phoned her)

hopeful wishes from your


anita.altrogge @

Hi Anita,
many thanks.
donations are currently much more important than material donations,
as they can currently be stored anywhere. Such things as blankets, towels and pillows
gets, the PAD in large quantities -
by the many hotels around here.
Everything is broken and unusable - the refrigerators, in which the drugs were stored
and vaccination, the washing machines, feed supplies, the cat trees,
the wooden fence in front of him modern ...... ...... the power is out.
Everything must be purchased new - but first has to be renovated.
Look at the picture: the lower cages were completely under water,
in the series about the water was up to half of the cages.
And left you see an electrical outlet and light switch! The
were also under water. It's almost a miracle
are not all killed in electrocution.
probably have all the electrical cables to be replaced.
It will take a while for the PAD is reasonably habitable again ..............
how bad it was for the first aid workers on site, shows A report from Gillian:

love Petra, (a friend of Ilona)

everything was terrible. We had no time to cry before it was over.
The dead were floating in the hallway, but we did not do anything for them because it
were the survivors that we had to get out. The worst part
were the big dogs, some weighing 30 pounds and no longer run could
because they were so exhausted and my husband, son, Daniella and
volunteer named Jose have brought these dogs to safety, a
after others, while Adriana is then taken care of on the road to it
added. Some had to be cages rausgeholt
by breaking and cutting, because they were trapped, and then they had to be lifted out with great
effort from the water and that of
1.5 meter high (I am very glad that I have a VERY strong husband I).

is what I wanted to tell you that Chantal and I finally got to the cattery could
in cage 9 and she pulled out what looked like a drowned cat.
This poor cat had apparently swum over 2 hours without
desperate climb up somewhere to be. They gave it to me and he had only weak pulse.
20 seconds later, he would probably drowned, for he had ceased to struggle.
I wrapped him in a blanket and my son Danny ran into the street and brought him
in the heated car and we thought he would live only a few minutes
. When we had rescued an hour later all the cats we brought him and others after 8
home. He was still alive with a terrible hypothermia.
The friend of my son stayed with him 3 hours prior to the heating and rubbed
and moved him because he was unable to move themselves, and slowly back to life in
it came, the whole time he was shaking. He could not get up because his legs were exhausted
. On that evening, he managed to stand on the front legs
and something to eat and then get up. Now 2 days later, he's
good again. He is black and white and about 7 months old and I have called in Miracle.
He cared and now cleans the other kittens, which I have here and he is one of the bravest and greatest
cats I have ever seen. He cared a red
about 2 month kitten (boy), which is very sweet and very cold. As Miracle
dried, had the boy on it to put on it to warm it and now
Miracle because it makes it better is not the little ones in mind. It is a fantastic
is my request, these two cats, and in particular Miracle earn a great
life. Is there any possibility that someone takes Miracle and if possible, the little red
ask for? I would hate to separate the two.
I am
work, but later in the evening I could send you pictures of the two. Please let me know
. If you know someone who two brave, great cats with a love
character who went through hell I would like that please let me know.

Thank you for everything you do love Petra. I wish you a safe journey to Spain.


saludos, Ilona.

Hannah Montana Clothing Line

4 kittens looking for a home



Anbei ein Kätzchen von vier, die ein zu Hause suchen.

 Im Moment sind sie heimatlos und kommen 2x täglich zu einer älteren Dame fressen.

Wir wissen nicht wo sie schlafen oder sich sonst so herumtreiben.

 Sie sind mittlerweile zutraulich and enjoy every Streichelheinheit.

looking urgently need a home!

Contact: Sonja Wrba, 0664/1228937,



Sonja Wrba



Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hard Lump On Gum Above Tooth

whereabouts 59192 Bergkamen - Jack and Mr. Miller (cats) have joined forces a PS or EZ

For questions please contact Ursula cherry.

Phone: 0177-3209406, E-mail: ursula.kirschbaum @

thank you.

love greeting


Heike Ebert

Tierhilfe Fuerteventura eV

Tel: 0178-5197843 or 02831-1324756
www.tierhilfe-shop . de

Jack and Mr. Miller

Gender: Male

Spayed: Yes

Age: 8 months

Breed: domestic cat

attitude: Flat / release prisoners

diseases: To: leukemia tested positive

nominal fee Agreement

location / foster home: 59192 Bergkamen


b. 03/2010
Hi dear can opener! Our names are Jack and Mr. Miller

(see, are born in Fuerteventura

and since May 2010 in Germany. Really wanted keep our Pflegefrauchen us

because we are just simply adorable super.

But the existing cats are pretty nasty to us and we can not stay unfortunately.

I, Mr. Mueller, had initially always slept on the head of my foster parents

and it purred with pleasure. Somehow the thought but not so great -

I do not understand at all. You have taught me then, to sleep under the blanket. Like

Well, because me too.

I, the Jack sleep also like laying in bed and love it on the shoulders of my foster mom to sit.

Also, I'll give you head. We must not go outside and we want to continue.

We both were born in March 2010 and already neutered.

As we see ourselves soooo super, has promised us our Pflegefrauchen,

that we can move together!

We are also microchipped, vaccinated, kastriert, sowie mehrfach entwurmt.

Wir können in Bergkamen besucht werden.
Leider sind sowohl Herr Müller als auch Jack Leukose positiv getestet worden.  


Tierhilfe Fuerteventura e.V.

Ursula Kirschbaum

Telefon: 0177-3209406

















Did Kimberly Bergalis Contract

ho-ho-ho your boat - gently down the street

it is a quiet set. and peaceful. So here. different wars on the streets and in the run to the big picture probably sounds ling wrote that the dozen neighbors to death with shovel snow and have also been associated conflicts. what makes for an un! which is bitter that? and the whole blood in the snow! So honest. how to sleep for as Christmas, just shortly before. also no one really knows exactly weiviel there is fresh snow and one of the remaining non-neighbor Mr. Miller or Smith inadvertently ausbuddelt because he just wants to be nice and in front of the house foreign schneeschüppt. also likely to fall even the UPS man drübber Immerso and then goes on and in the end you get the salad and for better or worse the morgues full. not that this country would be an unfamiliar situation, but let's face it: for me and my generation already - so statistically.

from there rather then let lie the beautiful white: leaves when the first is enough, anyway run better on it than dull-looking but plaster rock fresh over frozen.

So boys: does it quietly at times, let stand the cruel blade and slipped gently but with good momentum into next year!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vegas 7 Termék Kulcs

new ANAA-Handicäpchen and an update


although 2010 is now almost over, we have to the last days, how many places

new handicap cats, for which I pray you, as always, to setting and generous redistribution.

For your help thank you.

same time I wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best and much success for 2011,

especially with less animal stories that cats less crowded and flood shelters.

Even if the chance is small, I hope and pray that these dreams will all come true.


Kerstin www.anaa-

Evoli , * 06/2010, left eye missing

Eevee is a cat girl

which were born on a feeding place for wild cats in Madrid.

adopted in September, the supervisor of this place she and another kitten home,

meantime they have come at a foster home under-ANAA,

order from there a new home search.

Eevee is now not just gray, but also shy and disabled, it lacks the left eye.

You can, however, easily pick up and take the mickey and like all our kittens,

die schon seit Monaten warten, hofft auch sie trotz Allerweltsfarbe und ohne herausragende Eigenschaften,

dafür aber mit Handicap, natürlich auf ihre Menschen, die sie so nehmen, wie sie ist,

bestimmt wird sie ihre Schüchternheit nach Eingewöhnung ablegen.


Wir wünschen uns für Evoli ein nettes Zuhause, ausschließlich in Wohnungshaltung,

gern mit gesichertem Balkon, aber auf alle Fälle ausschließlich mit Katzengesellschaft.

Sie ist bereits FeLV und FIV neg. getestet, gechipt und geimpft.


In-house, we would like to point out that not all airports in Madrid dt

be flown out and we go about it that interested parties are willing to drive once

another route.


Kerstin Ridder



Mickey , * 02/2003, graugetigert, asthma

Micky is a case where a simple words fail somehow ... ...

2003 in Madrid as a kitten found and taken into custody Anaa's,

he quickly found a home -

far. Be a man in Spain has very often changed the work and the workplace,

and always came with Mickey. Now lies with the new job in Canada

and there he was not allowed now.

To make matters worse Micky is also asthmatic, so far he has been treated with cortisone and other drugs


And he stands there now to convey: simple gray, already 7 years old and chronically ill.

in the shelter he was so depressed and sad,

that, you first looked for a foster home for him and also found.

Mickey longs for a new home, he probably would not vs. other cats, but also alone

happy again be, if its people so early in the morning

are not till late at night away. With the pure flat attitude he has no problem

so we look for him a loving home, due to his illness

and related regular medication exclusively in home entertainment,

either a home for him alone or with very friendly cats, including but not too many.

Micky is FeLV and FIV tested negative, he is neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. In

missing loved ones who are with him after 7 years a People familiar

again provide security and make him his grief. Interested parties, we ask

to get medical information about asthma cats at the veterinarian of their choice.

Where I post here want a safe or secure

balcony terrace determined would be good for him.

In-house, we would like to point out that not all dt

airports are served by Madrid and we go about it,

are that interested parties willing one to drive a longer distance.


Kerstin Ridder



Maripili , 07/2010, graugetigert one eye and Marivi ,

* 05/2010, black

Maripili Marivi and are not siblings, but could,

as much as they depend on each other, which his J .

ANAA got the two cats girl from a horrible place in Madrid,

find much to live for many cats with too little food.

The two were allowed to come to a foster home in Madrid under.

Maripili is one-eyed, she lacks the right eye, the eye socket

is closed at this time and both will be neutered too.

are by nature a bit of the 2 shy at first, but very nice and

socially with people and other cats.

Our English animal welfare colleagues want the girls like to communicate together.

At present it is almost impossible to convey even a cat

our other disabled some have been waiting very long for a chance

and now equal to a couple will certainly be difficult.

But maybe there are someone who loses his heart, and can accommodate 2?

Maripili and Marivi FeLV and FIV are already tested negative, they are castrated at short notice,

chipped and vaccinated. We want a home exclusively for the 2

in flat position, like with a secured balcony.

In-house, we would like to point out that not all airports in Madrid dt

be flown out and we go about it that interested parties are willing

once a further distance to drive.


Kerstin Ridder


Marcos, * 05/2010, black and white, one-eyed

Marcos was already one eye found in a feeding ground for wild cats.

The feeders-supervisor discovered him there and then informed ANAA,

the Marcos picked up then.

As with Maripili is his eye socket be closed in order to prevent infection.

Marcos is according to my English colleague, "soooooo nice and sweet ..."

other words: a real bundle of joy, which works with people and other cats very well

This means that for him. an individual consumer is not in question, we look for him a home only in apartment

attitude to other nice cats,

happy with secure balcony.

Like all our disabled cats he has an everyday color and nothing

what it seems unique. Please let not be fooled!

All our cats are great little personalities whether with one or two eyes

and all want to one thing: find loving people, they are the great cats of the world.

Marcos is already FeLV and FIV tested negative, he chipped in travel, be neutered and vaccinated


In-house, we would like to point out that not all airports


be flown from Madrid and we go about it,

are that interested parties willing to drive once a longer distance.


Kerstin Ridder


And finally, another update to our Manolo from the new foster home,

has a small brain injury, please insert with:

Manolo is a very complicated cat,

has come remarkably well to the new environment from the first minute deal.

He loves people, is affectionate and cuddly, just simply a nice hangover.

But Manolo cat population is very, very important.

He loves to play with other cats, he said it probably is because of his temperament

ataxia and for its often something fierce.

He had growled at my cat the first few days and chased him

they are a bit tense opposite, so that his friendly overtures

often run into the void. Perhaps this is partly due to his ataxia,

his movements can take place always something uncontrolled. The

but has also improved as well as his initial attacks and unrest

by the administration of special tablets enormous

also the contact between cats is improving.

Manolo has since relaxed comes to rest and his motor skills, he has under control.

These tablets should therefore also possible to get life.

addition to ataxia due to a disease in cats survived infancy Manolo is also deaf.

But sometimes I get the impression that it is at least in the low frequency range heard anything. His deafness is

but not in his schedule with human or animal a problem dar.

In my Manolo has the opportunity to go to a secure garden, what he likes, uses

not urgent abr necessary for him.

A secured balcony would also like him very much and should preferably be present.

can generally be said that Manolo is in dealing with people is an absolute dream hangover.

He also likes cats, this due to its somewhat gehandicapten motor

should not be sensitive or anxious. Manolo loves to play,

either alone with his toys or play catch with other cats,

and is extremely full of himself .. A cat or a cat,

even aware of the limits it sets, or younger, very playful cats, can not shake the

so fast in their youthful exuberance,

would be the absolute dream company for him.

Not to Manolo could live alone with his people, but this

would have very much time for him and should not be working all day.


S. Nesselmann


Kerstin Ridder

How Do Mimiprojectors Work

Jasper and Livy, previously pure flat two stray cats .... Tiger

> Hello!
> I had even asked before, if you (could indoor cats, but also fits when it's outside, only
> together!), The two cats
> could send through the distributor. It would be really great,
> because it is very urgent, the owner has a bad allergy.
> requests directly> to f.rominger @
Thank you.
> Kind regards and a Merry Christmas!
> Gabi Hahn
> 1 Chairman
>> SPCA city and county Schwandorf eV
> Hi Gabi
We had already discussed on the phone that because of my
> Allergy, unfortunately, a new home for the 2 . see
> So Livy is about 1 to 2 years old Jasper. Both vaccinated
> chipped and neutered! Livy is the black and Jasper the tiger ..
> Livy is VERY cuddly and loving ... He wants to discover and
> is afraid of nothing. For him, every man his friend and he wants
> immediately caressed by all ...
> Jasper is also very fond of, so here but rather he needs something to rely
> grasp. He is never evil or scratches, if he> to
much is he just hiding ... if one has not won its confidence
> he is loyal and cuddly ... Jasper's character resembles
> more like a dog ...
> So far, both domestic cat but Livy is certainly thrilled
> to come out .... Jasper does not want may be But
> if he dares ..
> You are just the two of communicable ...
> I do not know what you say it for me what data need
> still missing and I'll send it immediately!!
> Thanks ever

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bible Verses To Put On My Letterman Jacket

in Need

----- Original Message ----- From
: Stefanie Keller [ mailto: stef.alessandro @ ]
Hello dear team

My name is Stefanie, I am 27 years old and live in Erfurt.

In March 2008 I moved with my friend and my 3 cats to a
city apartment. Backwards out of the house is a great old
vacant hospital, home to some stray cats
. Back in March it was still pretty cold and because I am so sorry for the poor
animals were doing, I have a daily bowl of dry food out in the yard and
made from time to time we also got a cat face.

It was summer and there were small kittens. The cats were (there were then about 10
) daily to feed over, depending on the season, there were
both wet and dry food. In
Next spring I was then placed with the animal protection in combination
because I did not want it to be more and more cats, because some neighbors complained
It took almost 3 months and many calls until I got the help promised.
A man from animal welfare brought me live traps, that I should catch the cats
in my yard.
All the cats I have caught, I have my vet put
(they castrated for animal protection) and have it picked up again in the evening. A
night they have then in the kennel with me and spent the next morning
we went back into the wild. Unfortunately, we were able to catch only 3 cats, as it curiously
less and less, were still to eat passed
and 2 of the 3 cats, a brother and sister pair who come from that day to
food to me.

I both Karl and Marla had baptized.

you know me and know that there is to eat every night and sit
what usually starting in the afternoon in the yard and wait. Both talk to me
mauzen at me really, just touch really does not work yet. Marla
I've already got so far that I can touch briefly on the head
. With patience and time, I am sure that they are a bit tamer

Unfortunately it came as it had come, we must move out. Our landlord has
the house sold and we have to get out. Unfortunately we can not
another apartment with garden, etc. make and we must also remain in the
area (which is unfortunately very expensive) because I have a commercial operators
(Institute for Hand and nail care) and I want my customers do not lose
aggravating to come now that the hospital will be demolished and destroyed, so to speak
the area and the stay of Karl and Marla.
It breaks my heart at the thought of allowing the two back and I
racking my head for weeks now where I could relocate the two

Well, my landlord has with the situation, unfortunately,
so acute that there is no communication (written
only through lawyers).
A month ago, he has now completed the court and taken the key
, so I Karl and Marla can not feed more out there. He
hates cats. Fortunately, I've
so my studio is on the ground floor and the bathroom
to the court yard. Now I have the two through the window attracted me in the
bathroom where they eat every night and now can relax at night.
But all is not the answer to life, precisely because it is getting serious with
the empty hospital. We also need to end the year
both the flat and the studio rooms.
I could cry at the thought of the two left their fate to

Now I have already turned me on VOX, I talked to my welfare
, various animal farms have been advertised but unfortunately I can not help
, if ever someone responds. It is so sad, but there must be some way
yet. And before I have not found this
, I think I can sleep another night right.

Thus I turn to you in full of hope. Can you help me
maybe somehow or do you know where I can I contact?
Or is there a possibility that you take the 2? Of course I
would also take over the sponsorship for both.

Please help me ...
I look forward to your reply.

Love, Stefanie

stef.alessandro @

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ls Models видео

Emma, Merlin and Mozart - my samtpfötigen Clerks


are, unfortunately, these three cats now for many months for me and no one is interested in them.

Here are the Black Mozart and Emma with their beautiful son Merlin

extremely lovable kittens.

Mozart is a little cuddler, about 8 months old, neutered and vaccinated.

Emma is 2 years and 10 months old Merlin, both also neutered and vaccinated.

you can flat position, but would have no objection against Freigang nothing.

I would like to convey, together or in pairs,

in any case, they now need their own home soon.

please contact:

Tel: 0173 2808377