Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dawn Of War Soulstorm Cd Schlüssel

it has been immersed at:: [heart] kap10 summer

(picture: the goalkeeper of BSC was relegated after the successful 2nd in the league, half a day to repair the vegatationsschäden from last winter sentenced)

So the little Epsiode dive into the virtual with the has passed by. Now is summer and the sun Holzt hammer down into the garden and sing the birds and the craftsmen and the doors are open and the whole body smells semi after this wonderful-sweaty patina that was buried before 4 weeks under a thick layer of old skin cells .
the labor force me but all in a small box to compress and then mostly at night with hineinzuzwängen me, but this seems to be okay and as long as a candle burns in there and I will be doused with red wine I come pretty well so clear.
doofes learned: it has a decisive advantage to put the phone, the alarm clock beside the bed and put. to sleep longer. Whenever I think: ha! no alarm clock! that's what you deserve you, I have noticed in the bathroom that I'm tuned hour half rather than with alarm. shit. real!
otherwise: jip.jip.jip. Tomorrow starts the Breminale weather with the best and then it'll even look beautiful in the evening a few days Auffen dyke and ran to the wilde musi.

schade: john parry ist nicht da. dafür war er aber am hafencasino vor kurzem. ("eigentlich treten wir mit einem 40mann orchester auf und dann haben wir zu den instrumental passagen noch tolle visuals"....- siehe bild) die lücke im herz wird aber wohl ganz gut von den mentomoaners und bratze gefüllt. von doof bis dumm im besten sinne!


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