Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Robert Stanley Collection Of Ribbons

pretty soon

jaja. does not believe the press. I know exactly where the poka l was on saturday evening ....

also I research degree, the recent court and beauty found in my school cookbook following by 1963:

" of hunger and food
with the first infant cry Life begins, and cry with his the infant makes the unequivocal noticed his surroundings - with its cry of hunger, with. his cry for food. change in the course of years, although the expression of hunger. until the end of life, however, it remains our constant companion. the hunger inspires and the mother of invention. the plow and the cow and the refrigerator owe their origin to him. the hunger destroys body and soul also. He solves the connection of the community and the friendly and makes the one to the enemy of the other. not teach not only pray, but curse.

so it goes to drive away and that is sooooo great clip. Uff and wow. Reminds me a little bit at the Perwoll variant of krom and the mystery of the steel inside out. "At the end the oetker to ask: what have you cooked. "

thumbs up to say 8, which is a great book.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where To Buy Supra Shoes

the wet and the pudding

knows it? the "wet"? I came back home earlier heufig because I had one or I came home and had one. sometimes he was also shon dry again. Now I wonder if this phrase is similar to the pudding to which you can run fast times, just to even get out. I'll leave it here just the open and ask: Who has what isses?
and how do I get it? I have a degree, because I crashed at badputzen. So a wet, not a pudding. and as I do now eifach first a pause to read here and then the race is equal to the now quite daring hair cut, then one of these friends who understand not only from graficken but also know the race more so 10zentimenter long hair for the root cause to bad. Oh man. sometimes it amazes me how many universal learned to my friend circle and I are sometimes the simple pudding (another time) am in the purely one can touch it all. but I may well. also: no disrespect, yo! Chakka!

(image: always a welcome guest in my blog: the haggis - chieftain of the pudding race)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Leg Ache Burning At Night

picpost overhang

Veiled Chameleon Cages

the next johanna easily

always done strange man if they are not expected. I am a specialist for such. tonight there was also:
first h in badly battered and eat excessive prices for okay. However, the question, capers and anchovies if really belong to wiener schnitzel and fried potatoes with speck (a knowledgeable local council would be useful, but I think that was a helpless experimental avant-garde surf & turf for bremer make stupid ...). the citizens of the park emmasee schebende was Bayesian, however, already special. so if you get married somewhere other items for very wants. then go there. I should have more of a bunker or a boot from beer crates.
second fred the french. sound engineer from France, come all to set to music in the hall fluctuating exressionistischen dancing ... an open and happy man who finds paris backwards and German relaxed and going on red lights will ... na because I do my part but like ... nation to be liked than he has done really tasty even without the geringsten....mich schubladieren to / us. freedom is a matter of constraints.
third the second johanna. Lost two beers. nr1 remove the experimental one (then disappeared) 2E piece. the second at experiment with a big pile of ironing board sperrmüll a smash. both funny, but costs again 2E. naja. it picked up the second johanna for A, because the bus never came and made the cutest picture of an alien. only: I wonder how far it is when the occasional pedestrian, none of the artfully constructed Matters uses not be more than handy. So number one would probably have been possible. hachhhhh. jaja. the only true freedom is freedom from the heats desires ... and it is so easy to speak of up here.
4th tja and wens interested here everything is great. I enjoy every moment and just attracts high & dry simply by Sun just like that.

Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty clever do not you boy
Flyin 'on your motorcycle, watching all the ground beneath you drop You'd kill yourself for recognition
, kill yourself to never ever stop You broke another mirror
, you're turning into something you are not

slide! slide! slide!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Symptoms Of Breas Implant Rejection

oki doki karaoki

exhilarating status update:

Kafe go to the search by the most rancid karaokebar west of Bremen. ooop. scha-lala.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nero Pobierz

I now sometimes .....

songwriter clearly obvious, and still do ego. I recommend music. namely hellsongs ... because it fits very well with eat pork and dark outside and somehow to warm home and the memorial to the sun today.
is otherwise much happened. and yet not too much ... but the overall experience level and life change, and so I regard it as such now, and I think this is correct.
oh yes and I have painted a stupid picture. consisting of 5 percent from ambition and the rest from the despair fail on their own. So now it kukkt the upper 5 percent up from a pile krams out and gives a little homely artistic exhaltiertes. learn: is useful for the most part out of context. as simple as that of the hats yes matt sung for years:

if you can `t change the world, change yourself
if you can `t change the world, change yourself
if you can` t change the world, change yourself
and if you can `t change yourself
change the world